Best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts 2024: now you can consider

Master the best Google Docs keyboard shortcuts in seconds

The best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts is a widely popular online collaboration tool, especially for remote workers, while Microsoft Word is primarily used by enterprises with local document requirements. But Google Docs has quickly become popular because it makes it easy to work together online. One of the main things that makes it easy to use is that it has shortcuts, which not only make it easier to get to features you use often but also make it more comfortable to use. In this piece, we will look at 50 of the best keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs that work on both PCs and Macs.

It’s important to know that the keyboard settings for Google Docs shortcuts are slightly different on Windows and Mac because of how the keyboards are laid out overall. But, even though there are different web browsers, the key combos stay the same. If you use Google Docs often, learning these tools will make you much more productive. Below we have mentioned the best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts.

Best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts

General Shortcuts:

Ctrl + /Show keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + Alt + /Show current keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + SSave the document
Ctrl + PPrint the document
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + XCut selected text or object
Ctrl + CCopy selected text or object
Ctrl + VPaste text or object
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + FFind and replace
Ctrl + HFind and replace
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste without formatting

Formatting Shortcuts:

Ctrl + BBold selected text
Ctrl + IItalicize selected text
Ctrl + UUnderline selected text
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy formatting
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste formatting
Ctrl + Shift + FApply normal text style
Ctrl + [Decrease font size
Ctrl + ]Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + 1Apply Heading 1 style
Ctrl + Shift + 2Apply Heading 2 style
Ctrl + Shift + 3Apply Heading 3 style

Paragraph Formatting Shortcuts:

Ctrl + Shift + LLeft align selected text
Ctrl + Shift + ECenter align selected text
Ctrl + Shift + RRight align selected text
Ctrl + Shift + JJustify align selected text
Ctrl + Alt + 1Apply 1st-level numbered list
Ctrl + Alt + 2Apply 2nd-level numbered list
Ctrl + Alt + 5Apply numbered list
Ctrl + Shift + 7Apply 1st-level bullet list
Ctrl + Shift + 8Apply 2nd-level bullet list
Ctrl + Shift + 9Apply bullet list
Ctrl + HomeGo to beginning of document
Ctrl + EndGo to end of document
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove cursor to previous paragraph
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove cursor to next paragraph
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove cursor to previous word
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove cursor to next word
Ctrl + Page UpScroll up
Ctrl + Page DownScroll down
Ctrl + FFind and replace
Ctrl + GGo to a specific page or bookmark

Table Shortcuts:

Alt + Shift + 5Insert table
Alt + Shift + HMerge cells
Alt + Shift + VSplit cells
Alt + Shift + RInsert row above
Alt + Shift + IInsert row below
Alt + Shift + CInsert column to the right
Alt + Shift + LInsert column to the left
Alt + Shift + DDelete row
Alt + Shift + ODelete column
Alt + Shift + 0Delete table

Best Google Docs keyboard shortcuts for Different Platforms

Windows and Linux:

BoldCtrl + B
ItalicCtrl + I
UnderlineCtrl + U
StrikethroughAlt + Shift + 5
SuperscriptCtrl + .
SubscriptCtrl + ,
Increase font sizeCtrl + Shift + >
Decrease font sizeCtrl + Shift + <
Numbered listCtrl + Shift + 7
Bulleted listCtrl + Shift + 8
Align leftCtrl + Shift + L
Align centerCtrl + Shift + E
Align rightCtrl + Shift + R
JustifyCtrl + Shift + J
Insert linkCtrl + K
Insert commentCtrl + Alt + M
Insert footnoteCtrl + Alt + F
FindCtrl + F
Find and replaceCtrl + H
UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Y


BoldCommand + B
ItalicCommand + I
UnderlineCommand + U
StrikethroughCommand + Shift + X
SuperscriptCommand + .
SubscriptCommand + ,
Increase font sizeCommand + Shift + >
Decrease font sizeCommand + Shift + <
Numbered listCommand + Shift + 7
Bulleted listCommand + Shift + 8
Align leftCommand + Shift + L
Align centerCommand + Shift + E
Align rightCommand + Shift + R
JustifyCommand + Shift + J
Insert linkCommand + K
Insert commentCommand + Option + M
Insert footnoteCommand + Option + F
FindCommand + F
Find and replaceCommand + Option + F
UndoCommand + Z
RedoCommand + Shift + Z

Chrome OS:

BoldCtrl + B
ItalicCtrl + I
UnderlineCtrl + U
StrikethroughAlt + Shift + 5
SuperscriptCtrl + .
SubscriptCtrl + ,
Increase font sizeCtrl + Shift + >
Decrease font sizeCtrl + Shift + <
Numbered listCtrl + Shift + 7
Bulleted listCtrl + Shift + 8
Align leftCtrl + Shift + L
Align centerCtrl + Shift + E
Align rightCtrl + Shift + R
JustifyCtrl + Shift + J
Insert linkCtrl + K
Insert commentCtrl + Alt + M
Insert footnoteCtrl + Alt + F
FindCtrl + F
Find and replaceCtrl + H
UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Y


How can I access the keyboard shortcuts in Google Docs?

You’ll see a list of all the shortcuts you can use in Google Docs in a window called “Keyboard Shortcuts.” You can scroll through the list and even use the search bar in the window to find a certain link.

Can I customize the keyboard shortcuts in Google Docs?

As far as I know, Google Docs doesn’t have a built-in way to change computer shortcuts as of September 2021, which is when I stopped using it. Google Docs only lets you use the tools that come with it. But it’s important to note that some browser add-ons or third-party apps may let you change the keyboard keys for Google Docs. If you need more customization, you can look into these choices.

Can I see a complete list of Google Docs keyboard shortcuts?

A window called “Keyboard Shortcuts” will pop up and show you all of the tools you can use in Google Docs. You can scroll through the list, and if you need to, you can use the search bar in the window to find specific options.

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