How to use Python for basic Linux system Administration and Networking tasks

This tutorial is about How to use Python for basic Linux system Administration and Networking tasks. We will try our best so that you understand this guide. I hope you like this blog, How to use Python for basic Linux system Administration and Networking tasks. If your answer is yes, please do share after reading this.

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Check How to use Python for basic Linux system Administration and Networking tasks

Python is best described as a universal programming language. It was developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s by a Dutch computer scientist named Guido van Rossum as a dynamically typed programming language and successor to the “ABC” programming language. Today, it is widely considered to be one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world, with use cases ranging from anything web development to complex mathematics and scientific computing. In this course, Python Quick Start for Linux System Administrators, you’ll quickly dive into the Python language in the context of realistic system administration tasks.

It is also valued for its elegant syntax and relatively easy learnability. Python is a great programming language for automating system administration tasks on Linux systems. With its wide range of different libraries, many of them can be used to improve the efficiency of various tasks. Using the examples below, you can easily run Linux system commands, work with files and directories, perform network tasks, and automate authentication processes in just a few seconds.

Installing Python on Linux

  • Many Linux distributions already have Python installed by default. To check whether your system has Python 3 installed or not, you can run the python3 command with the –version flag:
  • If Python is installed, the command will display the version of your Python configuration
  • To install Python on Ubuntu and Debian systems:
    • sudo apt update && sudo apt update -y
    • sudo apt install python3.10

Using the “os” module

  • One of the best Python libraries for Linux system administrators is the “os” module. You can use it to automate many different types of tasks, such as handling directories and files. You can also run system commands.
    • #Import the operating system module
    • import operating system
    • #Name of the new directory
    • dir_name = “example”
    • try:
    • #Create the new directory
    • os.mkdir(dir_name)
    • #Print the result, if the directory was created successfully
    • print(f”Directory ‘{dir_name}’ successfully created”)
    • #Print the result, in case the directory already exists
    • except FileExistsError:
    • print(f”The directory ‘{dir_name}’ already exists”)

You can also remove a directory using the module:

  • #Import the operating system module
  • import operating system
  • #Name of the directory to delete
  • dir_name = “example”
  • try:
  • #Delete the directory
  • os.rmdir(dir_name)
  • #Print the result, if the directory was removed successfully
  • print(f”Directory ‘{dir_name}’ removed successfully”)
  • #Print the result, if the directory does not exist
  • except FileNotFoundError:
  • print(f”The directory ‘{dir_name}’ does not exist”)

You can rename files and directories:

  • #Import the operating system module
  • import operating system
  • #Current file or directory name
  • current_name = “example”
  • new_name = “example2.0”
  • try:
  • #Rename the directory or file
  • content = os.rename(current_name, new_name)
  • # Print the contents of the directory
  • print(f”Directory/File ‘{current_name}’ was successfully renamed to ‘{new_name}’”)
  • #Print the error message, if the directory or file does not exist
  • except FileNotFoundError:
  • print(f”Directory/File ‘{current_name}’ does not exist”)

Final words: How to use Python for basic Linux system Administration and Networking tasks

I hope you understand this article, How to use Python for basic Linux system Administration and Networking tasks. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

James Hogan
James Hogan
James Hogan is a notable content writer recognized for his contributions to Bollyinside, where he excels in crafting informative comparison-based articles on topics like laptops, phones, and software. When he's not writing, James enjoys immersing himself in football matches and exploring the digital realm. His curiosity about the ever-evolving tech landscape drives his continuous quest for knowledge, ensuring his content remains fresh and relevant.


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