How to Turn On/Off Enhanced Audio Mode in Windows 11

In this article, you will learn how to turn Enhance Audio mode on and off in Windows 11. You can use the Enhance Audio feature in Windows 11 to improve the sound quality from your speakers or other audio output. You can enable or disable this feature in Windows Settings, where it is already built in.

Although the default audio output devices in Windows 11 are essentially plug-and-play, depending on the content, you may need to adjust the settings to ensure that the sound plays correctly or as intended. You can plug in both devices and tell Windows 11 which output device should be the default if you have stereo/gaming speakers and gaming headphones, for example.

If you enable spatial sound in Windows 11, you can have a more immersive audio experience that gives you the impression that the music is playing all around you, not just coming out of the speakers. To limit/manage sound settings in Windows 11 to a single channel, enable/disable Windows 11 Mono audio. To improve windows 11 sound quality, you can configure various sound features. In addition, you can quickly and easily change a number of other parameters. Before you proceed, we recommend you to update Windows 11

How to Turn On/Off Enhanced Audio Mode in Windows 11

How to use Enhance audio feature on Windows 11

Step 1: Open Windows 11 Settings app

Step 2: Ensure that you are in the System tab.

Step 3: Click on the Sound menu on the right side.

Step 4: Select the All sound devices menu.

Step 5: Select the audio output.

Step 6: Toggle the Enhance audio button.

Step 7: Play music or video to find the difference.

Open Windows11control panel on your computer to get going. Make sure you are in the System tab after that. If so, the Sound settings are located on the right side. You must select this menu. It displays all of your audio outputs available settings. You must then choose the All sound devices option, which is included at the bottom part.

All of the audio output and input devices are located here. To enable the Enhance audio feature for a certain audio output device, you must click on it. The options you can choose from to improve the audio quality of your device are then displayed. The “Enhance audio” option is located here.

Toggle the matching button to make it active. However, you may also turn off Windows 11’s Enhance audio option if your audio quality has declined since activating it. You must follow the same route for that: Toggle the Enhance audio button under System > Sound > All Sound Device > Select an Output Device.

Final words

We hope you enjoy our article on how to turn on and off enhanced audio mode in Windows 11. This article will guide readers through the process of turning on and off enhanced audio mode in Windows 11 for students and new users. When Enhanced Audio Mode is enabled, users can improve the sound quality from their computer speakers when listening to music or watching movies.

I hope you understand this article, How to Turn On/Off Enhanced Audio Mode in Windows 11.

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