How To Use Microsoft OneNote (10 simple steps)

Master OneNote! Learn to take notes, organize and boost productivity.

Think of a notebook on your computer or tablet that can be changed to fit whatever you want to write or draw. The name of it is Use Microsoft OneNote. It’s free, and you can use it on everything. You can save cool things you find along with writing down thoughts in OneNote.

You don’t have to use words only. For extra fun, you can record your teacher’s lessons and draw on it with your finger or a special pen. OneNote has a lot of pages and sections for different topics, just like a real notebook. But it’s better because it has more room and a search tool that makes it very easy to find things.

OneNote can be used with Word and Excel, among others. That makes it very easy to add your notes to a report or connect them to a file. Like having all the tools you need in one place to write, group, and share things. A lot of kids, adults, and smart people use OneNote to keep things in order.

How To Use Microsoft OneNote

  1. Download and set up OneNote: Ask your parent to help you do this on your computer or tablet. You can write and draw there, which is cool!
  2. Sign in or create an account: Enter your name and password to get into OneNote. We can make a new account together if you don’t have one.
  3. Make Notebooks: In OneNote, we can store our pictures and writing in books that we make. Click on “Make New” and then “Notebook” to make a new book.
  4. Make Sections and Pages: We can add parts to our book that are called sections and pages. Click “Add Page” to add a new page inside and “Add Part” to add a new part.
  5. Putting Things In: In OneNote, we can write, draw, and add pictures. You can write or draw right away after clicking! To add a picture, click “Put In” and then “Pictures.”
  6. Sort and Beautify: We can arrange our pages and parts in a way that looks good. We can also change the colours and sizes to make them look different.
  7. More Cool Stuff: OneNote lets us share and save our work so we don’t lose it. To share our book with someone, we just need to click “Share” and enter their email address.
  8. More Cool Stuff: OneNote can quickly find things, record voice notes, and connect to other apps, among other cool things.
  9. Have Fun Exploring: Let’s check out OneNote’s different features and pick the best one!
  10. Ask for Help: If we get stuck, we can click “Help” at the top to get help.

Advanced Features and Customization Options in OneNote

 Use Microsoft OneNote

OneNote is like a unique notebook that does more than just let you write things down. It helps you work better with lots of cool stuff. Here are a few of them:

Advanced Organization

  • To keep our notes in order, we can use labels called tags.
  • OneNote can help us link what we’re writing to other things we’ve already written.
  • To keep some of our notes safe, we can lock them with a secret code.

Customization for Efficiency

  • We can make OneNote look the way we want it to!
  • Put the buttons we use most near the top so we can get to them quickly.
  • We only need to type in a word to find something in our notes. OneNote will do the rest, even if it was written by hand!

How to Download OneNote App?

To get Microsoft OneNote on iPhones or iPads, we go to the App Store and look for “Microsoft OneNote.” Then we tap to download it. For Android devices, we go to the Google Play Store, search for “Microsoft OneNote,” and tap to download it.

Final Words

How did you find this guide? Tell your Facebook and Twitter friends about it! Everyone can write down their thoughts and keep things in order with Microsoft OneNote. Let’s help each other with school and work! Have fun writing!


How do I organize my notebooks in OneNote?

For each project we’re working on, we make a separate OneNote book. We divide each book into parts to keep things in order, like how we put different toys in different boxes. Then, we write our thoughts or notes on the pages inside each area.

Can I use OneNote offline?

We can still use OneNote even if we don’t have internet! Any changes we make will be saved as soon as we open the app on our computer or tablet. When we connect to the internet again, everything we did while we weren’t online will be carried over.

How secure is my data in OneNote?

OneNote is a lot like a safe. It keeps our things safe! Microsoft, which made OneNote, makes sure that no one else can look at our notes without our permission. They use unique codes to lock them up, even when they’re just sitting in our device or browsing the web. We can also add extra locks with passwords to really protect our secrets.

Radhika Gupta
Radhika Gupta
At Bollyinside, Radhika Gupta is a technology publisher and content editor. Her speciality is selecting interesting articles about new developments in technology. Radhika is dedicated about innovation, and her work makes sure that readers are motivated and informed about the rapidly changing world of technology.


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