Mute videos before sending on WhatsApp

In this article, we will talk about how to mute videos before sending on WhatsApp. One of the helpful features that WhatsApp has recently added allows you to turn off the music in videos before transmitting them in chats or adding them to WhatsApp Status. On Android, the feature is now being rolled out. If you want to share a video on WhatsApp without the audio, the mute video feature may be useful. Up until now, editing a video‘s audio required using third-party apps, but now you can utilize the app’s built-in mute video option.

Android users are already receiving WhatsApp’s new functionality, which lets users mute videos before sending them to their contacts. Some WhatsApp users have recently discovered the feature, which has been under development since November of last year. Facebook and Instagram, two of WhatsApp’s competitors, already have a mute video feature. When customers want to share footage with their connections but are not happy with the audio, the option is extremely helpful. Below are the steps on mute WhatsApp videos before sending them.

How to Mute videos before sending on WhatsApp

Step 1: First, install the latest version of WhatsApp from Google Play on your Android device. If you can’t find the mute video icon, then there is a chance that you haven’t received the feature yet, as WhatsApp is gradually rolling it out on Android. You can also try to update WhatsApp to latest version

Step 2: Open any WhatsApp chat.

Step 3: Click the attachment icon at the bottom and tap the camera icon if you want to record a video or tap the gallery icon to select a video.

Step 4: You will now be shown the video on screen and you can edit it here. Tap the speaker icon at the top-left to remove sound from the video. Once done, you can share the video without audio on WhatsApp

If you use WhatsApp on an iPhone, you’ll have to wait a while before you can use the mute video icon because WhatsApp hasn’t yet provided a release date.

Final words

We hope you like our article on how to mute videos before sending on WhatsApp. The Facebook-owned social messaging service WhatsApp just implemented a mute video feature for users of its Android app. For your eyes, not your ears, WhatsApp tweeted. Before posting a video to your Status or transmitting it in conversation, you can now silence the audio on that video. presently accessible on Android.

I hope you understand this article, Mute videos before sending on WhatsApp.

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