MultiVersus review

MultiVersus is a competitive and fun platform fighting game that rewards players who learn about the strengths and weaknesses of its eclectic cast of characters and work as part of a team.

As the ultimate crossover fighter, MultiVersus advertises itself as a “dream come true” situation where anyone can compete against anyone else. A game with an unrivaled all-star cast of video game characters squaring off, Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, is being challenged by this audacious declaration. A surprising number of contenders for that reign have come and gone, but MultiVersus makes a strong case. One of the best platform fighting games ever created, the game which is currently in open public beta has solid foundations, charisma, and attention to detail that Smash clones from the past badly lacked.

The basis of MultiVersus is straightforward. It is a platform fighting game where players can engage in one-on-one, two-on-two, or free-for-all combat on several stages. Using each character’s special abilities and tools, such as Batman’s bat bombs or Shaggy’s fury power, you can try to defeat your adversary. You can try to push your opponent outside the confines of the stage space in addition to out-strategizing them. MultiVersus offers a unique perspective on the genre, even though the idea has been used in other Smash clones like Brawlhala or Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl.

In MultiVersus, which is similar to Super Smash Bros., the roster is primarily made up of characters from Warner Bros.-owned properties, along with real-life basketball player LeBron James and the original character Reindog. As in Super Smash Bros., each character in MultiVersus has a unique move set and personality traits specific to the series they represent. Similar to Smash, MultiVersus is difficult to master but simple to pick up and play because players are not need to memorize complex button combinations in order to execute impressive attacks.


Release date: 2022. July 19.
Genre: Fighting, Platformer
Developer: Player First Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Games

System Requirement

Requires: 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i3
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GTX 480, AMD Radeon 7870
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 7 GB available space


The MultiVersus fast-paced, flashy gameplay requires some getting accustomed to, and you’ll initially spend more time pausing and glancing at your controller to figure out all the appropriate button presses to unleash wrath on your adversary. Your goal will be to unlock every character once you’ve gotten the controls down.

It takes some getting used to the fast-paced, dazzling gameplay, and at first you’ll spend more time pausing and looking at your controller to figure out all the necessary button pushes to inflict harm on your foe. Once you’ve mastered the controls, your objective will be to unlock every character. Although 1v1 and 4-player Free-For-All modes are offered, the focus is on 2v2 gaming.

Character classes offer a quick glimpse into traits and a suggestion of how teams may interact. For instance, as Superman runs in to pummel everyone, Velma can stand back and provide cover with projectiles and buffs/debuffs. Gamers will appreciate the online gameplay option because there is seldom a significant wait between challenges. MultiVersus has a solid base, and with a few adjustments, more backgrounds, and character settings, it might last for a very long time. It’s a worthwhile game, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the characters Player First adds later on.


There will be 19 characters in all in Multiverse’s once Rick and Morty are released. This initial lineup certainly impressed me, but the game’s live service features hold out the hope of many more additions. we are looking forward to all the fan theories that will be shared online as we wait impatiently for fresh information on character additions, much as how Smash had hype-trailers leading up to every new reveal.

This implies that playing online will be easier for you and your pals because you’ll be able to connect quickly to play against other players. While playing the game online, I had no connectivity problems. When we was fighting other boxers, the load times were quick and my connections were flawless. Character-based perks in MultiVersus can provide minor advantages in combat. However, advancing through the level trees of each fighter is the only way to access these. This coupled with my matchmaking issues means that any character’s early levels are always played at a disadvantage.


This is very annoying MultiVersus since every time we want to try out a new character, we know we’ll be up against players that are much more skilled. Due to my earlier performance alone, it was immediately ranked in the top 10,000 when we initially started Wonder Woman. It finally dropped me to rank 100,000 after we participated in 20 or so matches and lost roughly 16 of them, which felt much closer to my actual performance.

This gives you access to many new benefits known as “perks,” which enable you to slightly yet significantly improve combatants. You can equip three perks at once from the utility, defensive, and offensive categories, and if a teammate already has a corresponding perk, it becomes stacked for better performance. For instance, Lumpy Space Punch increases your team’s melee attack damage in the air by 5% and increases it to 10% when stacked. Everyone has certain signature benefits as well, such as Iron Giant’s Afterburners ability, which ignites his rocket boots and leaves firewalls in its wake.


The characters in MultiVersus are divided into five classes: brawler, mage, assassin, support, and tank. Each character has vastly distinct mechanics. Brawlers are rapid glass cannons that can deal a lot of damage but can’t always take it. Tanks can endure a lot of punishment. Mages use technical ranged attacks. Support characters concentrate on buffs and debuffs in cooperative play.

MultiVersus stands out because of its own RPG layer rather than its cast of well-known personalities. There are fewer characters overall than in most fighting lineups at launch, but at least you won’t find five cartoon characters brandishing swords in this game because of the dedication to making each character feel unique.

Given the amount of care and attention that has been given to each character and their individual property, the “quality over quantity” philosophy is even more obvious. Every single fighter, with the exception of LeBron and Steven Universe, has their original voice actor, with fresh dialogue and interactions between them. Other contemporary platform brawlers have missed the luxury experience that MultiVersus imparts.

Although there aren’t nearly enough characters in MultiVersus for my tastes, there have reportedly been leaks of many more, including The Joker, Scooby Doo, Fred Flinstone, and many others. There is currently a sufficient lineup to satisfy the majority of players. The fact that some of the characters are voiced by the actors who have played them, such as Shaggy’s actor Matthew Lillard, Arya Stark’s actress Maise Williams, and Batman’s actor Kevin Conroy, will excite nerds.


That emphasis on competitive 2v2 has the unfortunate side effect of leaving little room for engaging local multiplayer choices. There isn’t enough here to keep me interested with friends if I want to have a wild anything-goes party experience, even though you can currently play with up to four players on one device in team combat and free-for-alls, much like online. The FFA game type occasionally has items, but none of the boulders, dynamite, and ice weapons are even remotely fun to use or provide any unexpected moments to the mayhem that is currently taking place.

MultiVersus is a frustrating game for light entertainment overall since local multiplayer makes the absence of levels much more obvious. MultiVersus is bold in its laser emphasis on competitive multiplayer, even though the end result is some hilarious multiplayer mayhem. Because of this, some of the more laid-back elements are still unfinished, but the emphasis on 2v2 online battles still adds something new to the increasingly saturated genre.

Final Words

A thrilling team-focused twist supported by a delightful presentation is what MultiVersus promises. Even while it’s already the most promising Smash-inspired fighting game we are played, there are still a ton of problems that will need to be resolved. These include a roster that requires more female players, hollow bespoke games, latency issues, and suspect matchmaking.

We’ve now invested more than 50 hours in the game, and we hope it’s a big enough hit to warrant regular updates with new characters and settings from our favorite Warner Bros. titles. we can only hope that Player First Game succeeds in making this the most popular fighting game since Super Smash Bros.

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MultiVersus promises a compelling team game supported by a delightful presentation. Although it is already the most promising Smash-inspired fighting game yet, there are still plenty of problems that will need to be solved.MultiVersus review