Get started with GitHub Desktop: A step-by-step guide for beginners

GitHub is undoubtedly the most popular version control system in the world, but for those who are new to Git, using the command line might prove to be inconvenient. If you are one of them, GitHub Desktop might be the perfect answer to get you up and running with a flawless Git workflow in no time. This tutorial will guide you on how to get started with GitHub Desktop.

What is GitHub Desktop?

GitHub Desktop is an application that makes it easy for anyone to perform Git tasks without dealing with the command line. It is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows and features a simple workflow, a useful onboarding wizard, syntax highlighting, extensive editor features and shell integrations, expanded support for image differences, and much more.

How to install GitHub Desktop?

The steps for installing GitHub Desktop are:

  1. If you use Linux, you need to add the required GPG key using the command:
  2. wget -qO – | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/shiftkey-desktop.asc> / dev / null

  3. Then create a new repository entry using the command:
  4. sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb [arch=amd64] any main “> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/packagecloud-shiftkey-desktop.list ‘

    Update apt with:

    sudo apt-get update

    Finally, install the GitHub desktop with:

    sudo apt install github-desktop -y

  5. If you use RHEL-based distributions (such as Fedora, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux), you will need to run the following commands:
  6. Install the GPG key:

    sudo rpm –import

    Add the required repository information:

    sudo sh -c ‘echo -e “[shiftkey] nname = GitHub Desktop nbaseurl = https: // $ basearch nenabled = 1 ngpgcheck = 0 nrepo_gpgcheck = 1 ngpgkey = https: // shiftkey / desktop / gpgkey “> /etc/yum.repos.d/shiftkey-desktop.repo ‘

    Install GitHub Desktop with one of the following commands:

    sudo yum install github-desktop -y

    sudo dnf install github-desktop -y

    Installing GitHub Desktop on macOS and Windows is as simple as downloading and running the installer for Windows or macOS.

    Getting started with GitHub Desktop

    Once the installation is complete, launch GitHub Desktop and sign in to your GitHub or GitHub Enterprise account. Follow the wizard until you get to the GitHub “let’s get started” window, where you will find a well-designed introductory tutorial.

    Click “Create a tutorial repository,” and the application will open in the main window. Follow the blue arrow prompts that will guide you through installing a text editor (which you probably won’t need as you should already have one), creating a new branch, editing a file, making a commit, posting to GitHub, and opening a pull request. Once you have completed the onboarding, you’re ready to get started with GitHub, via a well-designed and easy-to-use GUI.


    What is GitHub Desktop?

    GitHub Desktop is a Git client that makes it easy to perform Git tasks without using the command line.

    What operating systems support GitHub Desktop?

    GitHub Desktop is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows.


    If you need to work with GitHub but don’t want to learn how to use the command line, GitHub Desktop is an excellent option. It offers a simple workflow and onboarding process, making it easy for anyone to perform Git tasks. Follow the steps above to get started with GitHub Desktop today.

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