How to Fix DRIVER_PNP_WATCHDOG Blue Screen Error on Windows 11/10

If you are a Windows 10 user, the chance of encountering the DRIVER_PNP_WATCHDOG Blue Screen of Death error is high. This error can be caused by a variety of reasons, including corrupted PC registry, outdated drivers, faulty hard drives, and malware attacks.

This step-by-step guide outlines 10 different methods that you can use to solve this BSOD problem. These include updating outdated drivers, running a full PC scan, checking for system memory complications, installing the latest available updates, unplugging unnecessary hardware accessories, running the disk check tool, using the offline or online blue screen troubleshooter, repairing missing or broken system files, disabling unwanted services and startup programs, and making sure you have enough disk space.


1. Do I need to update all my outdated drivers?

It is recommended to update all outdated drivers for the smooth functioning of your PC. You can identify the outdated drivers by checking the yellow warning sign next to them on the Device Manager list.

2. Can a full PC scan detect all malware?

While a full PC scan using Windows Security can detect most malware, some tough, stealthy malware may require specialized anti-virus software for detection and removal.

3. Can low disk space lead to DRIVER_PNP_WATCHDOG issues?

Yes, low disk space can result in slow PC performance and various issues, including DRIVER_PNP_WATCHDOG errors. Therefore, it is advised to run disk cleanup regularly and ensure that you have enough disk space.

4. How can I check the startup impact of background applications?

You can check the startup impact of background applications using the Task Manager. Right-click on the taskbar and select “Task Manager”. In the “Startup” tab, you can see the startup impact of all the applications listed there.

Final Remarks

We hope that these methods help you to fix the DRIVER_PNP_WATCHDOG Blue Screen Error on your Windows 11/10 PC. If you have any questions related to this article, please feel free to ask us through the contact forum section. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family.

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