Modern Guide to Managing Tumblr Push Notifications

In the digital era where information is at our fingertips, managing notifications becomes pivotal to ensure a seamless online experience. Tumblr’s push notifications are designed to keep you connected, but there comes a point when they might become too intrusive. This updated guide will walk you through the steps to tailor your Tumblr notification settings precisely to your liking.

Understanding Tumblr Push Notifications Settings

Push notifications on platforms like Tumblr provide real-time updates on blog activities that interest you. They are a double-edged sword; while they keep you informed about the latest posts and interactions, an excessive number can clutter your digital space. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to manage these notifications effectively.

Like other social platforms, Tumblr has several notification triggers like new followers, mentions, or reblogs. It’s important to note that the control you have can extend to specific types of notifications, thus allowing a customized experience aligned with your preferences.

Streamlining Notifications on Desktop Platforms

The management of push notifications applies universally across various web browsers, and it is straightforward. Here’s how you can control Tumblr notifications on different browsers:

Google Chrome (Windows, macOS, Linux)

  • Open Chrome and click on the three-dot menu icon.
  • Navigate to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Privacy and Security.’
  • Select ‘Site Settings’ and scroll to ‘Notifications.’
  • Adjust permissions or block notifications from specific sites as needed.

Mozilla Firefox (Windows, macOS, Linux)

  • Click the hamburger menu icon and select ‘Options.’
  • Go to ‘Privacy & Security’ and find the ‘Notifications’ section.
  • Click on ‘Settings’ and manage site-specific permissions.

Apple Safari (macOS)

  • Open Safari preferences from the menu bar.
  • Select ‘Websites’ tab and navigate to ‘Notifications.’
  • Choose to allow or deny notifications from listed sites.

Microsoft Edge (Windows)

  • Hit the three-dot menu icon and opt for ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘Cookies and site permissions’ and then ‘Notifications.’
  • Customize which websites can send you notifications.

Opera (Windows, macOS, Linux)

  • Access ‘Settings’ from the Opera menu.
  • Click on ‘Privacy & Security’ and find ‘Site Settings.’
  • Under ‘Notifications,’ manage exceptions as per your need.

Managing Notifications on Mobile Devices

Adjusting push notifications on mobile devices is equally straightforward:

Android Browsers

  • Tap the menu icon in your preferred browser and enter ‘Settings.’
  • Find ‘Site settings’ and tap on ‘Notifications.’
  • Here, you can alter permissions for each site.

iOS Devices

  • Open the ‘Settings’ app and scroll to ‘Notifications.’
  • Select Tumblr or any other app to adjust its notification permissions.

Android and iOS Apps

Many apps also provide in-app notification settings. Look for these under the app settings menu to enable or disable them according to your choice.


Maintaining a balance is key when it comes to push notifications, including those from Tumblr. By adjusting your settings, you can create a more focused and tailored online experience. Keeping your preferences up-to-date ensures you receive the right information at the right time, without unnecessary interruptions.


Q: How can I stop Tumblr from sending too many email notifications?

A: Adjust your email notification preferences directly on Tumblr’s settings page or unsubscribe from emails through the links found at the bottom of Tumblr notification emails.

Q: Can I turn off push notifications for specific blogs on Tumblr?

A: Yes, most browsers allow you to manage push notifications for individual sites. In Tumblr’s app settings, you can mute specific blogs to no longer receive notifications from them.

Remember that these methods and steps are current as of the latest browser and operating system versions. Always refer to the latest guides or official support channels for your specific device or software version when managing notifications.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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