How to Pick Between Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu

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Check How to Pick Between Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu

There is more than one Ubuntu. You can download Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu or Lubuntu, but what is the difference and which one should you choose? The answer depends on what you’re looking for: Linux is all about choice. To make the right choice, you need to know the strengths of each “flavor.” It could be the polish and shine of Kubuntu, the “set it and forget it” of Ubuntu, the retro simplicity and stability of Xubuntu, or the ability of Lubuntu to run on older, less powerful hardware.

Despite the different names, they are all based on the same Ubuntu software. They contain the same Linux kernel and low-level system utilities. However, each has a different desktop and flavor-specific applications. This means that some are more complete, while others are less so, so they all feel a bit different. Since these releases are designed to make Linux more accessible, they don’t necessarily get positive reviews on a cool Reddit thread.

Flavors have more to do with practicality than command line awesomeness. Here’s a look at four of the Ubuntu distributions. Find out what they can and can’t do so you can decide which distro is best for you!

How to choose between Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu


This is the standard version of Ubuntu, the edition actively developed by Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu. Community members outside the company create and maintain the other variants. When an application says it runs on Ubuntu, it means that version (although the software will probably run on any Ubuntu-based variant or distribution anyway). In standard Ubuntu, you’ll also find various elements of the Ubuntu brand reflected in wallpapers and icons.

In the past, Unity, the Ubuntu Software Center, Ubuntu One, and other Canonical software were located here. Standard Ubuntu uses GNOME, a desktop interface that relies on an activity panel to launch applications and switch between windows. The focus is on finding the programs and files you want. GNOME is also the default interface in other popular Linux distributions like Fedora.


Kubuntu uses the Plasma desktop, which comes from the KDE community. This interface stands out for providing possibly the most customizable interface you can find on a desktop computer. Kubuntu is a great option for people who love Plasma, but also want to take advantage of all of Ubuntu’s software support.

Kubuntu is a great way to experience Plasma in a “vanilla” variant that has few changes compared to what the original KDE developers offer. While the Plasma desktop has a reputation for being bulky, newer versions are much lighter. You will find that it is faster than standard Ubuntu.


Lubuntu is a variant of Ubuntu that uses less system resources. This makes it suitable for older or low power computers. However, Lubuntu is also a good option if you want to get the most out of your machine by using all the processing power for applications and games instead of the desktop interface itself.

Lubuntu has traditionally used the LXDE interface. As of Ubuntu 18.10, it will switch to LXQt. Both are lightweight options, but the latter is more modern. LXQt developers use the Qt programming toolkit, which was also used to create the Plasma interface. GNOME and most of the others on this list use the GTK toolkit instead.


Before Lubuntu, Xubuntu was the preferred version of Ubuntu for people who needed a lighter desktop. Xubuntu is still a good alternative if you are using an older PC. You may also prefer Xubuntu if you’re not a fan of the layout conventions and animations found on many other desktops. Xubuntu uses the Xfce desktop environment.

Xfce uses many of the same applications and components as GNOME, but with less overhead. Xfce is one of the oldest interfaces available for Linux, so you can expect a mature and stable experience. However, because there are relatively few developers, major updates and new features are slow in coming. The Xfce of today is not very different from the Xfce of ten years ago.

Final words: How to Pick Between Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu

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