How to Fix a Stuck Clipboard on Mac: Troubleshooting Copy-Paste Not Working Issues

Copy-pasting is a fundamental part of Mac workflows, and it becomes understandably frustrating when the feature stops working, or the clipboard appears to be stuck. Fortunately, most clipboard issues on Mac can be resolved with a few simple troubleshooting steps. This guide will show you how to fix copy-paste not working on Mac by restarting the clipboard daemon through Activity Monitor or the terminal.

Fixing Copy-Paste Not Working on Mac via Activity Monitor

To force restart the clipboard through Activity Monitor:

  1. Exit applications on Mac that have issues with copying and pasting
  2. Open Activity Monitor through Spotlight or from the / Applications / Utilities / folder
  3. Search for “pboard” in the Activity Monitor search box
  4. Select “panel” process and click “X” on the Activity Monitor toolbar, then hit “Force Quit”
  5. Exit the Activity Monitor

Re-launch the app where copy-paste wasn’t available and try using the commands again. If it doesn’t work, try copy-pasting manually via the Edit menu. If copying and pasting still doesn’t work, restart the Mac.

Repairing Stuck Clipboard via the Terminal

To fix the clipboard issue via the terminal, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Terminal app from the / Applications / Utilities / folder
  2. Type “killall board” command and hit Return

This will stop and restart the panel process, which is responsible for clipboard functionality. If the copy-paste issue persists, restart the Mac.

Benefits of Fixing Stuck Clipboard Issues on Mac

  • This guide is free to read and immensely helpful for Mac users
  • Simple troubleshooting steps can save users from time-consuming and costly repairs


What devices and operating systems are supported by this guide?

This guide supports Apple devices and Mac OS or iOS operating systems.

How can this guide help me fix copy-paste issues on my Mac?

This guide provides a step-by-step process to troubleshoot the stuck clipboard on a Mac through Activity Monitor or the terminal.

Final Note:

If you have any questions or want to add suggestions, please leave a comment below or contact us. Kindly note that this guide is for educational purposes only and that if you notice any misinformative statements, reach us for correction.

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