AptX vs SBC: A Comparison of Bluetooth Codecs

Are you wondering how to listen to music on your smartphone without a 3.5mm jack? Bluetooth codecs are the answer. In this article, we’ll compare two popular codecs, SBC and aptX, and determine which one is better for audio playback.

SBC Codec

SBC is a basic audio codec found in most devices and is the standard for Bluetooth. While it has a maximum sample rate of 48 kHz and bit rates ranging from 193 to 328 kbps, it suffers from slow transfer speeds, high latency, and data loss issues. However, its audio quality is decent.

AptX Codec

AptX is a Qualcomm-made codec that offers significant improvements over SBC. It uses Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) to compress audio signals and transmit them at 352 kbps. With a latency of only 60ms, aptX reduces the risk of audio sync issues. Additionally, there are versions like aptX HD for better sound quality and aptX Low Latency for latency-free streaming.

Changing Bluetooth Codec

If your Android device allows it, you can change the Bluetooth codec. First, enable developer options by tapping the version number in the About phone settings seven times. Then, find the Bluetooth Audio Codec option under Developer options or the Network section and select your preferred codec.


While SBC is the standard codec, aptX offers better audio quality, lower latency, and additional versions for specific needs. However, it’s important to note that audio quality also depends on headphones and audio files. Share your preference between SBC and aptX or any other audio codecs in the comments below!

Benefits of AptX vs SBC: Comparison

  • Free to read
  • Helps users understand the differences between AptX and SBC
  • Provides valuable information for those interested in Bluetooth codecs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this article about?

This article compares the AptX and SBC codecs for Bluetooth audio.

How does this article help me?

This article provides a comprehensive comparison of AptX and SBC, helping readers make an informed decision about which codec to choose.

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