Best Books and Reference Software for Linux

This list is about the Best Books and Reference Software for Linux. We will try our best so that you understand this list Best Books and Reference Software for Linux. I hope you like this list Best Books and Reference Software for Linux. So lets begin:

Quick Info about: Best Books and Reference Software for Linux

Literature management software is software for scientists and authors to record and use bibliographic references. This type of software typically uses a database to store bibliographic references, along with a system to filter the list into a format desirable for scientific journals and publishers. This category of software is one of the most useful digital tools for today’s researcher.

It allows users to import source references, manage and edit references, export references, and format the bibliography, all in accordance with international standards. Researchers and academics appreciate the basic features of reference management tools that minimize the tedious task of collecting, organizing, and citing their sources. In many cases, users have the ability to save and share files, as well as various document creation tools in reference management programs.

This way, the user can save the fonts right now to effortlessly find them later. When choosing the best bibliography management software, you should pay attention to some specific criteria, which are: There are many Linux bibliography tools available online. So, in this category, there are many options that confuse the user in choosing the best program. Here we give you an expert opinion with a list of the best Linux bibliography and book management software. Then let’s get started.

The best reference books and software for Linux


WIKINDX is an open source, single or multi-user system for managing bibliographic information and citations/notes, and for writing articles. It provides searchable references, notes, and citations, and integrates with a WYSIWYG word processor to create publication-ready articles that are automatically formatted according to your chosen citation style. Wikindx is classified as reference management software, but it also allows users to write notes and full articles.

Anyone involved in writing academic and scientific articles knows that the process involves researching existing articles, planning a research study, collecting and analyzing the results, and writing the findings. In such documents, reference and citation information is essential. GPL-licensed Wikindx allows you to store bibliographic references, citations and notes in a database from which you can easily insert the appropriate citations into a document using the integrated web-based word processor.


Referencer for Linux is a Gnome application for organizing documents or references and eventually creating a BibTeX bibliography file. Referencer uses the document’s metadata to provide useful links to the document’s web address. Referencer imports your existing bibliography files using the BibUtils library. Referencer allows you to categorize your documents with tags. If you show Referencer a PDF document that has an arXiv ID or DOI code, Referencer will retrieve that document’s metadata over the web.

Referencer can be extended with the versatile Python scripting language. Referencer is translated into many languages. Referencer is actually very easy on the eyes. It integrates seamlessly with Gnome, you can find and import your documents, search for your reference on the web and export to LyX, and it’s sexy and well designed. The few shortcuts and plugins are a nice bonus along with the library-like interface.

Zotero is probably the best open source tool for creating bibliographic citations as it not only helps us create citations but also allows us to store and classify our bibliographic catalog in the cloud. As if this were not enough, the program does not need to be installed independently, but can be used directly through the corresponding extensions for Firefox, Chrome and Safari, allowing you to save Internet bibliography quickly and almost effortlessly.

Also, the internet browsers mentioned are cross-platform. Furthermore, Zotero allows you to create directories in several standard formats (the most popular are APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard, among others).


KBibTeX can query online resources (eg Google Scholar) via customizable search URLs. You can also import entire data sets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and handles references to local files. BibTeX files can be exported to HTML, XML, PDF, PS, and RTF formats, using a variety of citation styles.


This is a cross-platform open source citation and reference management software. The program uses BibTeX as its native format, so it is generally used for LaTeX. The name JabRef stands for Java, Alver, Batada, Reference. JabRef provides users with an interface to edit BibTeX files, import data from online scientific databases, and manage and search BibTeX files.

You can import more than 15 reference formats and compare them with Google Scholar, Springer or MathSciNet. There are also browser extensions for direct import via web browser. It will allow us to get details based on ISBN, DOI, PubMed ID and arXiv ID. At the same time, it will allow us to use Word, LibreOffice and OpenOffice to insert and format citations. JabRef has been released under the terms of the MIT license since version 3.6.


Mendeley is a free reference management platform. It has a desktop and web component, so you can add resources to Mendeley Web from any device and sync them with Mendeley Desktop at a later time. Mendeley is also capable of synchronizing with Zotero. Mendeley Desktop can be used without an Internet connection. Mendeley works very well with PDF sources, identifying and extracting basic citation information. You can mark up and annotate PDF files in Mendeley.

The platform has a social networking component that allows you to identify your own work, share resources with small groups, and connect with others. Mendeley can be used as a plugin for popular word processors like Microsoft Word and LibreOffice, as well as a browser plugin. Compared to its closest alternative, it is free, open source, and cross-platform.


Citeulike is a web-based tool that helps scientists, researchers, and academics store, organize, share, and discover links to scholarly research papers. It has been available as a free web service since November 2004 and as many successful software tools. CiteULike is a free web-based bibliography manager. It allows you to publish, view and organize academic papers.

Several journal services provide a one-click link to CiteULike to save references. This app also allows you to post links to various social networks. Users can also search for publications others have posted on the site and make reference lists publicly available.


Pybliographer is a tool for managing bibliographic databases. Currently supports the following formats (read and write): BibTeX, Medline, Ovid files (from Pybliographer can be used to search, edit, reformat, etc. It’s a simple framework that provides easy-to-use Python classes and functions, so it can be extended for any application (generating HTML pages after bibliographic searches, etc.). A tool for managing bibliographic databases (BibTeX, Refer, etc.) It can be used to search, edit, reformat, etc.

It’s a simple framework that provides easy-to-use Python classes and functions, so it can be extended for many applications (generating HTML pages after bibliographic searches, etc.). In addition to the scripting environment, a Gnome graphical interface (“pybliographic”) is available. It offers powerful editing capabilities, a good hierarchical search mechanism, direct insertion of references in LyX and Kile, direct queries in Medline and much more. Currently supports the following file formats: BibTeX, ISI, Medline, Ovid, Refer.


cb2Bib is a tool for quick extraction of bibliographic references from email notifications, journal web pages and PDF files. It makes it easy to collect individual references from raw and non-standard sources. The output references are written in BibTeX. Article files can be linked and renamed simply by dragging them into the cb2Bib window. It also allows you to edit and search BibTeX files, cite references, search for references and all the content of referenced documents, insert bibliographic metadata into documents, and write short notes that link multiple references.

cb2bib is software for extracting bibliographic references from non-standard and raw sources, such as 1) email notifications; 2) magazine web pages; 3) PDF files. Captured references are provided to the user for review in graphical form. After verification, the references become BibTeX entries that can be attached to a user-defined BibTeX bib file. The software allows you to browse a BibTeX file and send a citation of all currently selected records to the clipboard. A pipeline is also set up with the LyX LaTeX editor.


refbase is a web-based solution for the institutional repository and management of scientific literature, references, and citations. You can import and export references in various formats (including BibTeX, Endnote, MODS XML, and OpenOffice). It can create formatted lists of citations and offers powerful search, extensive metadata and RSS. The application can import and export a variety of standard bibliographic formats, including BibTeX, Endnote, RIS, ISI, MODS XML, PubMed, Medline, RefWorks, and Copac.

It can generate bibliographies and citations formatted in LaTeX, RTF, HTML and PDF. refbase also has advanced search capabilities and can generate RSS feeds from searches. DOI and URL links can be added, as well as file links. refbase supports search/retrieval via URL (SRU) and OpenSearch web services, as well as COinS metadata and an API.

Final words: Best Books and Reference Software for Linux

I hope you understand and like this list Best Books and Reference Software for Linux, if your answer is no then you can ask anything via contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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