Best Essential Project Management Books

This list is about the Best Essential Project Management Books. We will try our best so that you understand this list Best Essential Project Management Books. I hope you like this list Best Essential Project Management Books. So lets begin:

Quick list of Best Essential Project Management Books

In an ideal world, we would look for a book written by a well-known expert in the field. A book that is simple enough for new project managers to understand, yet comprehensive enough for experienced project managers. You can cover all parts of the topic, from concepts to practices, with many examples from real-life situations. The book will be of considerable size and will be reasonably priced.

It should be current, reflect the latest standards and best practices, and be attractive to readers. It will be a book that addresses an important topic, whether it is related to the entire PM process, a specific one, or something in between. It will be more interesting to read than a textbook, and it will include not only practical skills and tips, but also push the reader’s thinking to become more resourceful and creative.

Here is the list of the best essential project management books

Alpha Project Managers (Andy Crowe)

Andy Crowe breaks down all the critical factors that make the best project managers achieve more. His research debunks the prevailing understanding of what it takes to be successful as a project manager. For example, according to his research, the most successful project managers send fewer emails each day and spend less time in meetings than their less successful peers.

The fact that they also surveyed 4,398 customers, team members, and senior management who worked with these project managers makes their analysis stand out. As a result, the findings provide a comprehensive assessment of the project manager’s performance and are not biased by the self-reported survey biases that plague many self-reported surveys. If you are ambitious and looking for tactics to propel you up the corporate ladder, this book contains many great ideas.

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A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (The Project Management Institute)

The Project Management Body of Knowledge, or PMBOK, is a must-read project management book for anyone preparing for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification test, which is an important industry-recognized qualification. . Each edition of this publication is written by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which is in charge of creating industry standards.

Yes, this is a heavy academic book (nearly 600 pages!), but it is one of the most comprehensive guides available. It is a must read for anyone interested in taking the PMP test or expanding their project management experience.

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Strategic Project Management Simplified (Terry Schmidt)

The newly revised and updated edition of Strategic Project Management Made Simple cements the series’ position as the go-to reference for anyone seeking step-by-step instructions on project planning and implementation. This book, written by renowned management consultant Terry Schmidt, explains the importance of systems thinking and the logframe approach to solving today’s complex problems in detail. Simplified Strategic Project Management also contains the following sections:

  • A new section on transforming ideas, difficulties and opportunities into projects has been included.
  • A new chapter has been included on how to manage your “inner game” to achieve project excellence.
  • New case studies on how to pivot your business to meet changing needs.
  • Iterate to Excellence is a new way to create your Minimum Viable Project and produce solutions that are smoother and faster.

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The One Thing (Gary Keller and Jay Papasan)

The ONE Thing is a book on how to simplify your professional life. It teaches you how to get more done, create a less stressful work atmosphere, and build momentum within a team to achieve goals. In general, the principle of the book is that project managers and companies should focus their efforts on one activity at a time instead of trying to multitask.

Project managers can focus their attention on certain tasks (such as scheduling, finances, or missing deadlines) and be more productive as a result of this mindset. Working backwards makes it easier to see what you want to achieve in the long term and what habits you can implement now to get there.

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What the heck is EOS? (Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer)

This book made the list because it cuts through the jargon and explains what EOS is all about in plain language. This book can be read by anyone, from your design team to your marketing and content team, to gain a deep understanding of EOS tools and processes.

It features progressive segments that project managers will find helpful in motivating and engaging their teams, as well as concise summaries at the end of each chapter.

It includes tips on how to solicit input from employees to gauge satisfaction, uncover pain points, and foster creativity, for example. Simple suggestions, according to the authors, can start conversations and inspire team members to share new ideas and challenge their current work procedures.

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The Lazy Project Manager (Peter Taylor)

The second edition of The Lazy Project Manager updates the art of lazy productivity, making it the project management book of the 21st century. Anyone can adapt the simple techniques of lazy project management to their own activities to improve work-life balance and productivity. Readers will learn to work smarter by focusing their project management and learning to put effort where it matters most. You will learn the following things from this entertaining and stimulating book:

Readers will also learn why they should never fly in a balloon, how to give a decent Oscar acceptance speech, and why reading the newspaper every morning is vital to your team.

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Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager (Kory Kogon)

Employees are typically required to coordinate and manage projects in the current workplace. However, you probably don’t have a formal project management background – you’re an unofficial project manager. FranklinCovey experts Kory Kogon, Suzette Blakemore and James Wood acknowledge the importance of leadership in project completion and explain how people are an important part of the formula for success.

Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager is a practical, real-world manual for effective project management that guides you through the essentials of the people and project management process: the accessible and compelling anecdotes from real life, the memorable ” Project Management Proverbs” and brief evaluations at the end of each chapter will benefit informal project managers in all industries.

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Doing Agile Right (Darrell Rigby)

The innovation of companies takes a back seat in the day-to-day activities and projects of the company, remaining only in the ideation stage. This has long been a source of dissatisfaction among employees. Larger companies are more susceptible to this problem because it takes forever to make decisions and carry out plans, which slows down the process.

The agile project management strategy is a method to revive and resume initiatives. This book was written by Darrell Rigby, a Bain & Company thought leader and author of HBR, with his colleagues Sarah Elk and Steve Berez to teach their readers how to execute Agile correctly. They look beyond the popularity of the concept to the reality on the ground. Debunk the misconception that Agile can’t bring projects back to life.

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Make Things Happen (Scott Berkun)

Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management is a bestselling book that has received critical acclaim. It is based on Scott Berkun’s experience as a program manager for Internet Explorer. Berkun also served as the primary administrator for Windows and MSN.

He simplifies complex topics in his book by providing helpful and practical advice in the form of essays. Even seasoned project managers should read this. Making things happen, making excellent judgments, leadership, what to do when things go wrong, and other topics are covered in the book. It includes all of Microsoft’s best practices as well as its many project design experiences.

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Project Management for Non-Project Managers Kindle Edition (Jack Ferraro)

Many project managers do not take the PMP. They start in management or another position and eventually fill the vacancy to ensure the trains run on time. This is an excellent book for anyone in typical management roles who wants to learn more about project management. It is highly recommended by many project managers for those managing project managers. It will help you understand a day in the life of a PM if you have never managed a project before.

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Final words: Best Essential Project Management Books

I hope you understand and like this list Best Essential Project Management Books, if your answer is no then you can ask anything via contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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