Best Figma Keyboard Shortcuts 2024: expert recommendations

Improve your Figma design workflow with these essential keyboard shortcuts for greater productivity and efficiency.

Figma offers a range of keyboard shortcuts that greatly enhance a designer’s productivity, leading to more efficient and impressive outcomes. One of the best things about Figma is that it works with all operating systems, making it a flexible web-based design editor. With Figma, designers can make on-screen prototypes, review them, and work together on them. They can also design directly from the browser into any app. By utilizing the best Figma keyboard shortcuts, designers can significantly streamline their design workflow, resulting in more efficient and visually appealing designs.

Interface design and prototyping can take a lot of time because designers have to work hard to understand the problem and come up with ideas for how to solve it. Figma’s visual design and prototyping features give designers a great way to share their ideas with users and stakeholders and see if they work. Because of this, it is important that Figma and other tools for designing user interfaces help designers work faster. The keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys in Figma speed up the design process and make it easier for designers to get their work done faster and more efficiently. Below, we have mentioned the best Figma keyboard shortcuts.

Why Keyboard Shortcuts are Important in Figma?

In Figma, keyboard shortcuts are important for more than one reason:

Figma is a powerful design tool with a lot of features and options that make it work well. With keyboard shortcuts, users can do common tasks quickly without having to use the mouse or go through menus. This saves time and gets more done, especially when working on complicated designs or actions that are done over and over again.

Speed: Designers often have to work quickly, especially when they are working with other people or on projects with short deadlines. With keyboard shortcuts, commands and actions can be done almost instantly, which helps designers keep up with the demands of their work.

Muscle memory: When a designer uses keyboard shortcuts often, they become a part of their muscle memory. This means that they can do things without consciously thinking about them. This makes the design process easier and more fluid. Muscle memory also makes it easier for designers to remember and carry out commands, so they can spend more time on the creative parts of their jobs.

Accessibility: Shortcuts on the keyboard make it easier for people with disabilities or limitations that make it hard for them to use a mouse or trackpad. Figma makes sure that all users can use the software effectively and efficiently by giving them different ways to enter information.

Best Figma Keyboard Shortcuts

Figma has a number of keyboard shortcuts that can help you speed up your design work. Pressing “V” will bring up the move tool, “A” will bring up the frame tool, “D” will bring up the shape tool, and “T” will bring up the text tool. You can also press “Ctrl/Cmd + G” to group selected objects, “Ctrl/Cmd + D” to make a copy of an object, and “Ctrl/Cmd + Z” to undo the last thing you did. These and other shortcuts can speed up your design process and make you more productive in Figma as a whole.

File Manipulation Shortcuts

Ctrl + OOpen a file
Ctrl + SSave a file
Ctrl + Shift + SSave a file as…
Ctrl + NCreate a new file
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new file in a new window
Ctrl + WClose the current file
Ctrl + Shift + WClose all files
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen closed file
Ctrl + QQuit Figma

Canvas Navigation Shortcuts

SpacePan the canvas
Ctrl + SpaceZoom in
Ctrl + –Zoom out
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom
Alt + 1Zoom to selection
Ctrl + Alt + 1Zoom to fit
Ctrl + Alt + 2Zoom to 100%

Selection and Editing Shortcuts

VSelect the Move tool
ASelect the Frame tool
RSelect the Rectangle tool
TSelect the Text tool
Shift + VSelect the Scale tool
Shift + ASelect the Arrow tool
Shift + RSelect the Ellipse tool
Shift + TSelect the Slice tool
Shift + SSelect the Star tool
Shift + PSelect the Pen tool
EscDeselect all
Ctrl + GGroup selection
Ctrl + Shift + GUngroup selection
Shift + dragConstrain movement horizontally/vertically
Alt + dragDuplicate selection
Ctrl + DDuplicate selection in a straight line
Ctrl + EEdit selected text layer
Ctrl + CCopy selected layers
Ctrl + VPaste copied layers
Ctrl + XCut selected layers
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo

Layer Manipulation Shortcuts

Ctrl + GGroup selected layers
Ctrl + Shift + GUngroup selected layers
Ctrl + Shift + FFit to window
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy properties of selected layer
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste properties to selected layer
Ctrl + RRename selected layer
Ctrl + /Show/hide selected layer
Ctrl + KLock/unlock selected layer
Ctrl + EExport selected layer

Best Figma Keyboard Shortcuts for Different Platforms

Figma is a popular design tool that has many keyboard shortcuts that can help you get a lot more done. Some important shortcuts for Windows users are Ctrl+G to group selected objects, Ctrl+D to copy, and Ctrl+Shift+M to mirror an object. Mac users can group with Command + G, copy with Command + D, and mirror with Command + Shift + M. Additionally, both platforms can benefit from shortcuts like V for the selection tool, T for the text tool, and R for the rectangle tool. These keyboard shortcuts make designing easier and make it easier to move around in Figma.

Figma Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows:

Ctrl + DDuplicate selection
Ctrl + CCopy selection
Ctrl + VPaste selection
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
Ctrl + XCut selection
Ctrl + GGroup selection
Ctrl + Shift + GUngroup selection
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + TTransform selection
Ctrl + RRun code
Ctrl + EnterExit presentation mode
Ctrl + Shift + KOpen plugins
Ctrl + /Toggle comments
Ctrl + –Zoom out
Ctrl + +Zoom in
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom
Ctrl + Alt + HShow/hide UI

Figma Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac:

Cmd + DDuplicate selection
Cmd + CCopy selection
Cmd + VPaste selection
Cmd + ZUndo
Cmd + Shift + ZRedo
Cmd + XCut selection
Cmd + GGroup selection
Cmd + Shift + GUngroup selection
Cmd + SSave
Cmd + PPrint
Cmd + ASelect all
Cmd + TTransform selection
Cmd + RRun code
Cmd + EnterExit presentation mode
Cmd + Shift + KOpen plugins
Cmd + /Toggle comments
Cmd + –Zoom out
Cmd + +Zoom in
Cmd + 0Reset zoom
Cmd + Alt + HShow/hide UI

How to enable keyboard shortcuts in Figma?

Follow these steps to turn on keyboard shortcuts in Figma:

  1. Open Figma: Launch the Figma app or visit the Figma website ( and log in to your account.
  2. Open the menu: Click the user icon in the upper right corner of the Figma interface.
  3. Go to Settings: Choose “Settings” from the list of options in the menu. This will bring up the page for Settings.
  4. Find “Keyboard Shortcuts”: On the Settings page, look in the left sidebar for “Keyboard Shortcuts.” Click on it to get to the settings for keyboard shortcuts.
  5. Enable Keyboard Shortcuts: In the Keyboard Shortcuts settings, there is a switch that says “Enable Keyboard Shortcuts.” To use keyboard shortcuts in Figma, move the switch to the “On” position.
  6. Customize Shortcuts (Optional): If you want to change certain keyboard shortcuts, you can do so on the same settings page. Scroll down to see a list of actions and the keyboard shortcuts that let you do them. Click on a shortcut to change it, and then press the keys you want to use to make a new shortcut.
  7. Save Changes: After enabling or customizing keyboard shortcuts, make sure to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the settings page to save your changes.


What is the hot key to create a frame in Figma?

You can also put a frame around an existing object or a group of layers. Use the shortcut for selecting a frame: Option + Command G on Mac OS. Ctrl, Alt, and G on Windows.

Are keyboard shortcuts worth learning?

If you don’t learn the keyboard shortcuts for the functions you use most often, you’ll be wasting time and being less productive. Even if this isn’t enough to get you to use keyboard shortcuts, you should know that using a mouse is bad for you.

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