Best Free PC Games 2024: Free fun for hours on end

wide range of games that users can play without any upfront payment.

Even though the price of games has been going up, I’ve seen that there are still a lot of great free games that I enjoy playing. Here is my own list of the best free PC games I’ve enjoyed. Please keep in mind that this list is not ranked and includes both new books and old favourites.

We have sophisticated tactical shooters, chaotic battle kingly, adorable indie hits and anything in between showcases, exclusive launchers or just standalone shots. Keep it locked here if you are watching for the best free computer games, however if you are thinking of throwing some money into your next game, take a look at our of the best PC games or just go back in time with the best classic computer games.

To start your journey to playing the best free PC games, you just have to look at this very extensive list that we have compiled. Searching these free download computer games has reminded us how far the world has come. you can really get triple quality toys without spending a dime. Below we have mentioned some of the best Free PC Games.

Best Free PC Games


Best Free PC Games

Fortnite may no longer be at the height of its power, but it is impossible to deny the amazing impact that Epic Battle Royale had. After a quick move away from the original Save the World, Fortnite became a family-friendly alternative to the fast-growing last human species, along with the iconic building engineer. Since then, it has set a new benchmark for the changing pace of evolving games, with an ever-deepening narrative, ambitious crossover events and in-game virtual concerts that attract millions of viewers. The “V-bucks” premium currency is intended exclusively for cosmetics purchases. Visit its official website if you are interested in this game.

Genshin Impact

Best Free PC Games

Genshin Impact has made many comparisons with Breath of the Wild and it is not difficult to understand why. Its open world is huge and incredibly beautiful, but there are also many resources for collecting, creating and cooking, not to mention puzzles and minibosses that can be tackled using elemental forces with the environment instead of starting a battle.

Destiny 2

Best Free PC Games

In Destiny 2, you and your crew play Guardians, immortal warriors who travel through the solar system to defeat interplanetary threats. This sci-fi shooter has seen many changes since its release in 2017, such as the transition to a free-to-play model, the addition of the Destiny Content Vault and the increase in the number of planets. Destiny 2 is one of the heaviest action MMOs you will find on a computer, so it could be your bag if you dig Call of Duty.

Crsed: F.O.A.D.

Best Free PC Games

So many great things started out as jokes: bacon-flavored cola, sincere Spinal Tap fans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and now CRSED. Formally known as Cuisine Royale, this free-to-play Battle royale game, where you stick pots and pans to yourself instead of plate armor, started as a spinoff for the Enlisted-based MMO shooter, but quickly acquired its own of player base. And it’s easy to see why, as the freedom to be a “funny” game allowed the developer Darkflow Software to experiment with mechanisms that PUBG would not dare to think about, such as demonic forces, champions, and even jetpacks.

EVE Online

Best Free PC Games

In its late teens, EVE Online may be one of the oldest games on this list, but it’s also one of the deepest and most ambitious experiences you can have on a PC – if you’re ready to make a name for yourself. your. CCP’s huge space sim hosts one of the most exciting communities you’ll find anywhere in the world, with its own economy, conflicting political factions and space battles that look like they were taken from a Star Wars movie. A $ 14.99 subscription offers access to more ships and skills, but recruits can find everything they need to get started for free.

Apex Legends

Best Free PC Games

Apex has smarter new ideas than you have front teeth. The characters have abilities, sticking the regular thinking in Overwatch style to the intensity of the last group. The ping system has set a new industry standard for communication. Players can respawn, an idea so good that Fortnite could not resist pinching it (as it should).

Falling supply and supply ships give players the targets to pursue, zippers and balloons give them exciting ways to get there. Alternatively, you can always get away with it. The landslides are wonderful. The result of these motor skills is a game where you can often escape encounters – a refreshing pace change from Royales where death often falls into the hands of enemies you have never seen.

World Of Tanks

Best Free PC Games

In each round of World Of Tanks, small groups of players, each controlling their own tank, run from their starting positions to fight on medium-sized maps that alternate between open areas and claustrophobic chuck points. The tactics required have to do with placement: how do you get a corner with an enemy without exposing the vulnerable side of the angry house you are driving? Can you position yourself on this elevated ridge so that your artillery can hit its target without being exposed to half a dozen enemies rolling down from it at the same time?

These artillery tanks are especially popular because they are basically snipers – snipers with the ability to see their targets from a magical top-down perspective. You feel like it’s going to be ridiculous to overstep, but you are still burdened by the fact that you need eye contact, and you have to drive your shots to take into account the long travel time on each projectile fired.

Alien Swarm

Best Free PC Games

Remember when Valve released a game for free? Not free to play, just free. Called Alien Swarm, it is a standalone sequel to a mod and the first Valve game released that was not a first person shooter. Instead, Alien Swarm is a four-player co-op game in which you control a character from above as you fight swarms; yes. You do it as one of four classes: Doctor, Officer, Special Weapons and Technology, who have special abilities such as hacking doors, placing turrets and healing teammates, but all spend most of their time shooting bugs with shotguns and machine guns. .

The Alien Swarm is simple and takes about three hours, but it is as well made as everything Valve does. This is largely due to the level design, which directs you and your enemies to drowning points, dramatic final stops, and painful long waits for a slow-moving elevator.

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