Best Free PS4 Games

Even though the PlayStation 4 is getting close to the end of its life, there are still some of the best free PS4 games for Sony's popular console. There is really something for everyone, from exclusive games for consoles to amazing games made by small teams.

Everyone is talking about the PlayStation 5 right now, but the best free PS4 games is still a great console with a huge library of games, some of which you can play for free. In fact, you can get some of the best PS4 games for free. So, if you just got a PS4 or are looking for something new to play that doesn’t cost money, From our list, you can download and play free shooters, MMOs, fighting games, and even single-player games. There are a lot of great games for Sony’s console, but almost all of them cost money. If you don’t have much money, you can play some great free-to-play games on PlayStation 4 that won’t cost you a thing.

Some of these free games can be just as much fun as some paid games on the console. You can find the best free PS4 games here if you want a new game but don’t have much money. Every month, Sony’s subscription service sends you a great free game, but you never know which one it will be. The games on these lists are always free to play, so they are great if you want to try out a new genre or need something to play while you save up for a PS5. Below we have mentioned some of the best free PS4 games.

7 Best Free PS4 Games

Apex Legends

best free PS4 games

Apex Legends is a battle royale first-person shooter with elements of a hero shooter. In the main mode, 60 players are split into squads of up to three players, and each squad tries to be the last one standing. Players choose from a list of unique fighters, each with their own skills and traits, and then search the map for weapons and other gear. Overall, this is one of the best free PS4 games that you can download.

Apex Legends is a game where you need to work as a team to win, but you don’t have to talk to random people over voice chat if you don’t want to. The game’s innovative ping system lets you talk to your squad without using in-game chat. In Apex Legends, you can buy a lot of cosmetic items, extra heroes, and a battle pass, but you don’t have to buy any of these things to enjoy the game or win matches. If you like this app you can download it from official PlayStation Store.


best free PS4 games

Even people who don’t play Epic Games’s world-beating Fortnite will know it exists because it’s not just a game but also a cultural touchstone. It started out as a cartoony co-op game, but when PUBG took the world by storm, the game’s creator saw an opportunity and hasn’t looked back since.

This release looks like it’s for kids, but the fast-paced arcade gameplay and unique construction hook give it a lot of depth. But the way the game has changed over time, with live concerts and events that change the map, has made it more of a social event than just an online shooter. This is the best free PS4 games.

Rocket League

best free PS4 games

Using race cars to play soccer sounds like a silly idea that could be fun for a few games. Before Rocket League came out, most people thought this was the case. But this is one of those games that really shuts down those who say bad things about it. Even though it’s just soccer with cars, that doesn’t say much about how fun it is to play. For now, this is one of the best free PS4 games.

Rocket League is fast, fun, and fun right away, but it’s not a shallow game. Once you start learning how to do things in the air, you can see how much there is to discover in the game’s systems. When everything is said and done, Rocket League will be seen as one of the most important games of this eighth generation. Best of all, you don’t have to pay anything to play it right now.


best free PS4 games

You know how a first-person shooter works, but what happens when you can use portals to move around the map? You can find out by playing the free-to-play version of Splitgate. On any of the twenty maps, you’ll need to think quickly to make shots from unexpected angles and win.

The game has 15 different ways to play, so you shouldn’t get tired of gunfights with portals too quickly. But if you do, or if you just want to have some casual fun, you can make custom cross-platform lobbies where you can mess around with weird custom game settings until your heart’s content. Currently, this is the best free PS4 games you can check now.


best free PS4 games

Brawlhalla is a platform fighter, like Super Smash Bros., with a lot of single-player and multiplayer modes. You can play locally with up to four people or online with up to eight. You can play team or free-for-all matches, or you can try out other modes like “Brawlball.” The game has more than 100 unique characters, called “Legends,” and counting. Some of these characters are crossovers from other franchises, such as Shovel Knight, the WWE, Steven Universe, and many more. This is one of the best free PS4 gamesyou can install now.

This is your chance if you’ve ever wanted to fight as Macho Man Randy fearless against Rayman, Chun Li, and Hellboy. Free players can choose from a rotating list of 9 Legends to use each week. You can buy each Legend separately if you like one, or you can pay $20 to unlock them all at once, including any new Legends that are added in future updates.


Best Free PS4 Games

This free strategy game is easier to play than you might think. Aside from an overly complicated user interface, Guns Up keeps things simple with easy-to-understand controls and progression. It’s a lot of fun to build up your army and base and then fight other players in side-scrolling battles. As your force gets stronger, it can quickly become addicting. For now, this is the best free PS4 games you can download.


Best Free PS4 Games

Compared to the standard version, the free version of eFootball still has a surprising amount of content. You can play the main myClub mode, which lets you choose players and managers to build the best team you can. Still, it is one of the best free PS4 games you can consider you can consider.

You can also play matches against the computer or other efootball players, including those who own the full game on PS4, Xbox, PC, or mobile. The only real problem is that you can only use a small number of teams in Local or Co-op matches. You can only choose from nine. This is one of the best free PS4 games you can download.


Even though the PlayStation 4 is coming to the end of its life, there are still a best free PS4 games for Sony’s popular console. There really is something for everyone, from exclusive games for consoles to amazing games made by small teams. Among these are some games that you can play for no cost at all. Some of these freebies aren’t worth your time, but if you look past the boring ones, you can find a few truly amazing things that won’t cost you a thing.

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