Best Internet Explorer 11 Keyboard Shortcuts 2024: top rated

The best internet explorer 11 keyboard shortcuts or earlier versions, served as the default web browser for Windows PCs and tablets. But as of Windows 10, Microsoft Edge is the default browser. This means that Internet Explorer 11 is the last version of IE. Even though the mouse is still the most important tool for navigating Windows 11, using keyboard shortcuts can make tasks much faster and more accurate.

This article will show you the most important keyboard shortcuts for Windows 11. Many of them are the same as in older versions of Windows, like the ones for copying items or undoing actions. It will also go into shortcuts that aren’t as well known, such as making it easy to move windows around.

In the web browser world of today, developers know what users want and need. Most modern browsers use the same set of keyboard shortcuts, whether they are Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, or Safari. So, users can easily switch between browsers because they all use the same set of shortcuts. Even though each browser has its own keyboard shortcuts, this article will focus on the ones that work in all of them. Below we have mentioned the best internet explorer 11 keyboard shortcuts.

Why Use Keyboard Shortcuts in Internet Explorer 11?

You can add to the heading “Why Use Keyboard Shortcuts in Internet Explorer 11?” to explain the benefits of using keyboard shortcuts in this web browser. Here’s a list of all the things you can say under this heading:

Enhance Productivity: Internet Explorer 11’s keyboard shortcuts can help you be much more productive by letting you do things quickly and easily. Instead of only using the mouse to move around the browser, keyboard shortcuts are a faster way to interact with it.

Time-saving: Using keyboard shortcuts saves you time because you don’t have to find and click on different buttons or menu options. With a simple key combination, you can do things like open new tabs, switch between tabs, or get to certain browser functions.

Seamless Navigation: Shortcuts on the keyboard make browsing smooth and continuous. You don’t have to keep moving your hand between the mouse and keyboard to move through web pages, scroll up and down, or jump to certain parts.

Best Internet Explorer 11 Keyboard Shortcuts

With these helpful keyboard shortcuts, you can make the most of Internet Explorer 11 and get more done in less time. To add the current website to your favourites, press Ctrl+D. To open a new InPrivate browsing window for private browsing, press Ctrl+Shift+P. To open a new tab, press Ctrl+T. Use Ctrl+Tab to move forward and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to move backward quickly between tabs. You can also press Ctrl+F to bring up the Find bar and look for text on the page. These keyboard shortcuts will help you get the most out of Internet Explorer 11 and make it easier for you to browse.

Alt + LeftGo back to the previous page
Alt + RightGo forward to the next page
Ctrl + F5Refresh the current page (ignoring cache)
F5Refresh the current page (reloads from cache)
Ctrl + DAdd the current page to Favorites
Ctrl + NOpen a new Internet Explorer window
Ctrl + TOpen a new tab
Ctrl + WClose the current tab or window
Ctrl + TabSwitch between tabs

Page Manipulation Shortcuts:

Ctrl + PPrint the current page
Ctrl + SSave the current page
Ctrl + FOpen the Find dialog
Ctrl + HOpen the History pane
Ctrl + JOpen the Downloads pane
F11Toggle full-screen mode
Ctrl + + or Ctrl + =Zoom in
Ctrl + –Zoom out
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom to 100%

Text Selection and Manipulation Shortcuts:

Ctrl + ASelect all the text on the page
Ctrl + CCopy the selected text or object
Ctrl + XCut the selected text or object
Ctrl + VPaste the copied or cut text or object
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + F4Close the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + TRestore the most recently closed tab

Tab Management Shortcuts:

Ctrl + 1Switch to the first tab
Ctrl + 2Switch to the second tab
Ctrl + 3Switch to the third tab
Ctrl + 8Switch to the eighth tab
Ctrl + 9Switch to the last tab
Ctrl + Shift + POpen an InPrivate Browsing window
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous tab

Best Internet Explorer 11 Keyboard Shortcuts for Different Platforms

Internet Explorer 11 has a number of keyboard shortcuts that make it easier to use on different platforms. Some of the best shortcuts are Ctrl+T to open a new tab, Ctrl+Shift+P to open an InPrivate browsing window, Ctrl+D to bookmark a webpage, Ctrl+H to open the browsing history, and Ctrl+F to search for specific text on a webpage. When you use Internet Explorer 11 to surf the web, these shortcuts can save you time and help you get more done.


Ctrl + BOrganize favorites
Ctrl + DAdd current site to favorites
Ctrl + EOpen search bar
Ctrl + FFind on the page
Ctrl + HOpen browsing history
Ctrl + IOpen Favorites sidebar
Ctrl + NOpen a new Internet Explorer window
Ctrl + PPrint the current page
Ctrl + RRefresh the current page
Ctrl + TOpen a new tab
Ctrl + WClose the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + POpen InPrivate Browsing
Ctrl + TabSwitch between open tabs
F5Refresh the current page
F11Toggle full-screen mode
Alt + DSelect the address bar
Alt + HomeGo to homepage
Alt + Left ArrowGo back
Alt + Right ArrowGo forward
Alt + EnterOpen the current website in a new tab
Ctrl + Shift + DelOpen the Clear browsing data dialog


Command + BOrganize favorites
Command + DAdd current site to favorites
Command + EOpen search bar
Command + FFind on the page
Command + HHide Internet Explorer
Command + NOpen a new Internet Explorer window
Command + PPrint the current page
Command + RRefresh the current page
Command + TOpen a new tab
Command + WClose the current tab
Command + Shift + POpen InPrivate Browsing
Command + Shift + DelOpen the Clear browsing data dialog
Command + Shift + DAdd current site to favorites

How to Access Keyboard Shortcuts in Internet Explorer 11?

Sure! Here are the steps to access keyboard shortcuts in Internet Explorer 11, with important words highlighted in bold:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer 11: Open your computer’s browser.
  2. When you press the “Alt” key, the menu bar at the top of the Internet Explorer window will appear.
  3. Choose “Tools” from the menu: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select the “Tools” option in the menu bar.
  4. To open the “Tools” menu, press the “Enter” key.
  5. To get to the “Internet Options” box: Find the “Internet Options” option in the “Tools” menu by using the arrow keys.
  6. Open the box called “Internet Options”: To open the “Internet Options” box, press the “Enter” key.
  7. Use the “Tab” key to move between the tabs in the “Internet Options” dialogue box and go to the “Advanced” tab. Press the “Tab” key until you get to the “Advanced” tab.
  8. Find the part called “Accessibility”: Use the arrow keys to move down the “Advanced” tab until you find the “Accessibility” section.
  9. Open the options for “Accessibility”: To open the “Accessibility” options, press the “Enter” key.
  10. Find the checkbox that says “Shortcut key”: Find the box labelled “Shortcut key” in the “Accessibility” options.
  11. To turn on keyboard shortcuts, press the “Spacebar” key if the “Shortcut key” checkbox is not checked.
  12. Save the changes and close the window: In the “Internet Options” dialogue box, press the “Tab” key to move to the “OK” button. Then, press “Enter” to save your changes and close the dialogue box.


What does F11 do in Internet Explorer?

With the F11 key, you can make your browser go into full-screen mode. If you press it again, the standard view with the menu bar will come back. You can quickly make a new spreadsheet in a new tab in Microsoft Excel by pressing Shift and F11.

What does F12 do in Internet Explorer?

You can use the F12 tools to design, debug, or look at the source code and behaviour of a web page. You can open F12 tools in a new window or stick them to the bottom of the page you’re debugging.

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