Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5

This list is about the Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5. We will try our best so that you understand this list Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5. I hope you like this list Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5. So lets begin:

Quick Info about: Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5

As a desktop environment, KDE Plasma ships with unique features including visually rich desktop computing packed with nifty utilities. Many popular Linux distributions available in the market offer a version of KDE for users. Aside from GNOME, KDE Plasma is one of the most powerful and dominating desktop environments that boasts an impressive appearance with polished icons and an amazing look and feel. KDE Plasma has evolved and is sharper and more elegant than ever. I often hear or read about bugs in KDE Desktop or that it has “too many options” compared to GNOME. I don’t disagree. But we can’t ignore the fact that despite all these arguments and opinions, KDE Plasma Desktop is a go-to solution for many individual or enterprise use cases.

It has a well-established roadmap based on amazing technology that can even run on automotive and other platforms. As well as a dedicated base with a large group of developers working to improve this desktop every day. That brings me to the purpose of writing this article. There are hundreds of KDE Plasma desktop Linux distributions. But we cannot ignore the fact that despite all these arguments and opinions, KDE Plasma Desktop is a go-to solution for many individual or business use cases.

Here is the list of the best Linux distributions for KDE Plasma 5


Desktop environments make Linux systems beautiful and attractive! Desktop environments are basically more of an implementation of a nice looking GUI than the classic CLI. General to moderate users are more used to GUI computing, while experts prefer the CLI to have more power over the system. Speaking of the desktop environment, KDE Plasma is one of my favorite environments.

This one has the most elegant user interface along with a cool collection of useful tools. However, due to the polished and shiny finish, KDE Plasma consumes a bit more resources than the others. However, most computers these days come with a pretty decent amount of RAM, so the extra RAM consumption shouldn’t affect your performance in the slightest.

Fedora KDE Plasma Edition

If you are new to Linux, then Fedora KDE Plasma Edition is the need of the hour. Fedora needs no introduction as it remains one of the most diverse Linux operating systems. This functional operating system offers you a diverse software package for different computing needs. You can count on Fedora KDE for official documentation, eLearning, programming, instant messaging, social networking, entertainment, and much more.

Keep track of your files with the Dolphin file manager. Also, you can take advantage of the extensive open source repository of this distribution. Fedora KDE Plasma remains a premier workstation for enhanced server-side programming with virtual machines and advanced IoT tasks.

Fern operating system

For a long time, Feren OS was based on Linux Mint, but with its latest release, Feren OS has reverted to its original previous distribution, Ubuntu. In a sense, Feren OS takes Ubuntu and makes it easier to use. It does this by making it a more out-of-the-box desktop than the open Ubuntu, which aims to appeal to a wide variety of users. Feren OS uses a highly customized KDE desktop environment tuned for usability. KDE is often the desktop environment of choice for advanced users and is extremely customizable.

Feren OS uses the distro-neutral Calamares installer, which has been optimized to shorten the process to essentially just the partitioning step. The user creation step has been delegated to a first launcher app, which will also help you set up other important things like keyboard and time zone when you start your new installation.

KDE neon

From the makers of KDE, KDE Neon is an Ubuntu LTS-based distribution that brings you the Plasma desktop with state-of-the-art software support. KDE Neon includes applications and software packages that are compatible with the Plasma desktop. As a KDE-powered distro, Neon gives you a carefully designed desktop that’s easy to customize to your liking. You can use the regular version of the distribution for traditional computing.

Alternatively, you can use the Developer Edition for web programming, generic coding, and research, complete with library packages for advanced software development. KDE Neon performs exceptionally well in the error handling department, as its strong Ubuntu foundation cleverly deals with crashes that are a common problem with older versions.


Kubuntu is an official KDE Plasma desktop version of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. It uses the same set of underlying Ubuntu packages and follows the Ubuntu release schedule. That is, it releases a new version when Ubuntu does. Because it’s based on Ubuntu, you get a huge help and support community that comes with the Kubuntu flavor.

KDE 5.19 was developed with an emphasis on consistency and unification of desktop elements and widgets. This improves the user experience and gives them better control over their desktop. In general, the components are much easier to use and provide users with a pleasant experience. Once you’ve logged in, the first thing you’ll notice is the new eye-catching wallpaper that will add a splash of color to your desktop.

network broker

The premise of the game is simple, but the execution is solid and layered. A player takes on the role of a corporation in a futuristic world largely controlled by corrupt global corporations. The other player is the runner. These hackers are motivated for one reason or another to steal information from the corporation and disrupt their plans in general.

The simple interactions and decisions I’ve described so far (creating and protecting servers, finding economic opportunities to exploit, the conflict between improving your own board’s health and disrupting your opponent’s) haven’t yet considered cheating. The Corporation has a second way to win the game besides setting agendas: you can kill the runner.

Final remarks: Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5

I hope you understand and like this list Best Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma 5. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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