Best Social Media Platform For Designers and Artists 

This list is about the Best Social Media Platform For Designers and Artists . We will try our best so that you understand this list Best Social Media Platform For Designers and Artists . I hope you like this list Best Social Media Platform For Designers and Artists . So lets begin:

Quick Info about: Best Social Media Platform For Designers and Artists 

Social media is crucial to finding your creative niche and building customer relationships. But where should you focus your attention with so many platforms at your disposal? Whether you’re a creator, photographer or fine artist, having a successful career as a freelancer means understanding how to create new opportunities for yourself. Although some people find social media overwhelming, the first step to being more effective is understanding how different platforms can benefit you. Consider this. It’s much easier to choose what’s right for you and how you can use each platform if you know the benefits and target demographic of each network.

Some social media platforms are better at connecting you with curators and journalists who can help you land your next big break than others. Some social media platforms are even better at generating direct sales for you. In addition, some offer networking and marketing opportunities. To help you determine how each of the top social media platforms will benefit your personal brand, we’ve broken them down, including several niche networks for creatives.

Here is the list of the best social media platforms for designers and artists


Discord may not be at the top of your list of obvious social media platforms for creatives and artists, but in the age of Covid, it has really taken off as it focuses on allowing niche communities to hang out and mingle. connect, instead of just a sea of ​​random followers. When everyone started working from home, Los Angeles-based concept designer and illustrator Airi Pan explains, “I became an avid Discord user” (she opens in a new tab). It has audio, text, and streaming capabilities, making it the ideal place for friends or employees to meet virtually.


You have the option of creating one of three types of accounts when you sign up for a free account: either as a designer looking to share your work, a talent scout looking to hire a designer, or just someone looking for inspiration for the design. In areas including animation, branding, illustration, mobile, print, product, design, typography, and web design, you can browse other users’ posts. Additionally, you can compile collections of your favorite works, post content you enjoy on social media,

You can follow artists on Dribbble and even employ them for assignments. As an artist, you can use this platform to market your work internationally and be available for jobs. Like Art Station and Behance, Dribbble offers workshops for designers, but they aren’t free.


Pinterest is a platform with images. However, most of the other elements between these two networks are significantly different. Unlike Instagram, one of the best places to drive traffic to your own website or blog is Pinterest. Pinterest is actively used by many marketers, bloggers, and website owners to generate traffic. Despite being a social network, Pinterest is more like a search engine than a social network. The social aspects of the site (like comments, for example) are not as prominent as on most other social networks. You must learn to produce specially designed images for Pinterest if you want to be successful.

You’ll need vertical photos that entice visitors to click on your pins as they scroll through your feed (Pinterest recommends 600px wide by 900px tall). The number of followers you have on Pinterest isn’t as important as it is on other social networks, but having more followers won’t hurt. Even users with few followers can rank your pins in the Pinterest search engine and gain exposure, which can lead to continued traffic.

art station

Not much may have changed with ArtStation (opens in a new tab) over time. But for professional 2D and 3D artists, especially those who work in the game, film, media and entertainment industries or those who aspire to do so, it’s still the place to submit your profile. Today’s recruiters don’t just urge you to upload your work to ArtStation; they look forward to it, as we pointed out in our article on how to find a job as a video game artist. Because they don’t want to enter what they consider to be a popularity contest, some artists continue to avoid doing so. But generally speaking, recruiters only care about whether or not they appreciate your art, regardless of how many likes or followers you have.


One of the first social networks dedicated to crafts, digital art, and photography was DeviantArt, founded in 2000. To explore the community, interact with other artists, and find inspiration for your work, sign up for a free account. You can comment on posts, download illustrations from other users, follow them, and even reward them with badges for their contributions. In addition to letting fans know when they’re available to work, artists can link to their online stores, enter contests, and direct people to their Patreon accounts for perks like tutorials and guides. Members have the option to join groups and even browse works based on a variety of categories, including 3D, anime and manga, crafts, comics, cosplay, wallpapers, game art, photography, stock photos, tutorials, and more. much more.


Have you ever wondered how other creatives and artists keep images and posts incredibly organized and polished on their social media profiles? Designers, we understand that you are used to this. However, Canva is an easy-to-use publishing and design platform for people unfamiliar with the Adobe Suite or entrepreneurial artists without the funds to get involved with another creative (yet!). Create social media graphics, flyers for your next art fair, even presentations and business cards!


Another great social network for designers to showcase their talents is Adobe-owned Behance. On Behance, you can showcase your work without an invitation or paid account, unlike Dribbble. The level of work on Behance is quite excellent, even though it is accessible to everyone. When you visit the website for the first time, explore the graphics on the front page; you will certainly find something intriguing and motivating.

Behance is a generic online social network for creatives, with a larger user base than Dribbble, focusing on certain areas of design. There are categories for fashion, crafts, logo design, photography, fine art, and other creative disciplines. However, despite the large audience, Behance is a hub for many digital and graphic professionals. Behance and Adobe Portfolio work perfectly together. You can create a website for your portfolio that showcases the writing and illustrations you’ve previously added to your Behance profile. With a Creative Cloud subscription, you already have access to this feature and can easily design and configure your portfolio website.


After Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine and it is considerably easier to rank for search terms there. The more comments you get, the higher your ranking will be on another platform that is not entirely social. You should not ignore YouTube. I say this because I am aware that it is the dominant search engine at the time. Video is supreme. Because I’m not using it, that makes me a complete jerk. I’m procrastinating because I’m intimidated.

The problem with YouTube is that it is very exposed. I don’t think I’m the only one who feels intimidated. I admit I am somewhat reserved. In my experience, most artists are pretty secretive. It’s so easy to work alone at your desk or easel because it’s protected and hidden. Unlike YouTube. You are on display for the whole world to see, which has advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, thousands of potential admirers are willing to communicate in a much more personal way. There is one aspect of “Twitter” that he is only too happy to criticize. People want to see artists in action, let’s face it. They want to learn how to accomplish things, ask questions, and watch the process.

art station

Although not just for digital artists, Artstation is about to be included in this list because it serves more as a platform for skill promotion. It’s not really a social platform; is a website builder. The talent is on display at Artstation. The main reasons artists display their portfolios are to get the attention of the right people in their field and to get job offers. This platform can work for you if you don’t want to create your own website. The basic pricing plan, which is free and has few features, but allows you to sell POD art prints and digital downloads, is more than enough to get you started.


Instagram is a powerful platform with several potential benefits (especially if you follow our Instagram tips). It’s a fantastic place to showcase your work and since the more posts you make the better, you can really show off your creativity in both stills and video. It’s a great place to network with periodicals and arts organizations, as well as do market research, as many of them like to share and promote creative content. As your audience expands, this can open up more important options. On the sales front, platforms like Shopify make it easy for you to create shoppable posts for your stuff, as well as have buyers write directly on top of the artwork.

Final words: Best Social Media Platform For Designers and Artists 

I hope you understand and like this list Best Social Media Platform For Designers and Artists , if your answer is no then you can ask anything via contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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