Best working Kodi Add-ons

This list is about the Best working Kodi Add-ons. We will try our best so that you understand this list Best working Kodi Add-ons. I hope you like this list Best working Kodi Add-ons. So lets begin:

Check Best working Kodi Add-ons

Kodi add-ons are in a continuous state of flux with the old ones often being the best ones, sometimes being superseded by newer add-ons. Each add-on on this list is compatible with Kodi 19 Matrix (up to Kodi 19.3) and can run on any hardware you can install Kodi on, including Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV Stick, Fire TV Cube, Nvidia Shield TV, Mobiles. and Android tablets, Android TV boxes, and Windows and Mac computers.

After learning about the difficulties of finding fully functional Kodi add-ons for movies, live TV, cartoons, TV shows, music, sports, and just about everything else, TechNadu has decided to short-list the Kodi add-ons that work best.

Check out the list of the best Kodi add-ons that work

The gang

The Crew is a very popular all-in-one Kodi addon from the Crew repository. It was recently updated to work with the new Kodi 19 matrix. The main menu has sections for Movies, TV Shows, Kids, Sports, IPTV, Fitness, 1 Click, Standup Comedy, Radio and much more. It is currently working very well, incorporating many links with constant updates.

The sports section has sections for NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, NCAAF, UFC, WWE, Boxing, FIFA, Tennis, and more. The Crew is a great add-on for watching movies, sports, TV shows, and live TV. The Crew Kodi Addon might be one of the best out there right now. This all-in-one plugin brings you movies, TV shows, live sports and reruns, IPTV, adult content, and many niche sections like stand-up comedy or kids and cartoons. It also supports free users and Debrid (cached torrents).


Asgard is a very good plugin with many sections including categories of movies and TV shows. It offers several links to choose from, including Real Debrid, which is independent of standard links. Sections include No Debrid, Movies, TV Shows, Kids, Sports, Documentaries, Concerts, Anime, IPTV, and more. The movies section often has new movies that other plugins don’t show. Creation is a good complement to find something to see.

For those who use free links, take the opportunity to use the No Debrid section, which is working very well. Asgard has also been updated to work with the new Kodi 19 Matrix. The Asgard Kodi addon is a popular all-in-one and full-featured addon with sections for movies, TV shows, sports replays, kids video content, documentaries, and more. There are many sections and categories to consult. For users without a Debrid service, there is also a “No Debrid Section” that works acceptably for video content. However, to get the most out of this plugin, be sure to use Real Debrid or a similar service.


The Ghost Kodi addon is back in the form of a shadow fork located at The Chains Repository. The all-in-one plugin comes with sections for movies, TV shows, Live TV, sports replays, kids content, and more. Ghost is looking for content from online sources, but it also offers some 1-click playlists and categories. Ghost is an all-in-one Kodi addon located in the Crew repository.

The main menu has Ghost, Movies, TV Shows, Search, and Settings. The Ghost section has categories for Movies, TV Shows, Kids HUB, IPTV All, Sports Replays, and Epic DJ Sets. The movies category has 1-Click Free, 1-Click Debrid, and Movies Scrapers. Currently the 1-Click Free section is doing very well with free links and one click to play.

The oath

The Oath Kodi addon is a new fork of Exodus for watching movies and TV shows. It comes with its own provider font (TheOath Scrapers) but is also compatible with OpenScrapers. On top of that, The Oath Kodi addon has native Orion integration. The addon has become very popular in recent months because it is one of the first to work with the Kodi 19 Matrix.

The Oath is a Kodi video addon that currently works great with lots of free links. It has sections for Movies, TV Shows, My Movies, My TV Shows, New Movies, New Episodes, Tools, and Search.

The Oath has the same menu as the original Exodus, making it easy to use and navigate. It also works with both Kodi 18 Leia and the new Kodi 19 Matrix. The Oath is currently one of the must-have accessories for movies and TV shows.


Revolution Kodi addon is a new addon for watching movies and TV shows. It is based on the legendary Exodus design, which means that the menu structure is very intuitive and easy to navigate. As of now, the Revolution is working very fast. The plugin comes with its own Revolution Scrapers and finds many high-quality sources and links.

Revolution is another nice Kodi video plugin from the DejaVu repository. The interface is a clone of the old Exodus plugin, which many will find familiar. Sections include Movies, TV Shows, My Movies, New Movies, New Episodes, Channels, and more. It has also been updated and is working with Kodi 19 Matrix.


Alvin is a Kodi video addon that is a Fork of Exodus located in the Octopus repository. It has the same layout as Exodus with sections including Movies, TV Shows, My Movies, New Movies, New Episodes, Channels, Tools, and Search. Alvin has been constantly updated and currently supports the Kodi 19 Matrix.

The Alvin Kodi addon is a fork of Exodus located in the Octopus repository. Alvin is a lightweight plugin and works very fast. The menus are simple and straightforward with many categories and filters. Alvin also comes with his own scrapers. Be sure to use the plugin with Real Debrid to find high quality video content. In our guide below, we show you step by step how to install the Alvin Kodi addon.


ReleaseBB is a Kodi video plugin from the Bugatsinho repository that received an update. Sections include Movies, TV Shows, Search, Configuration Tools, Real Set View Types, and Github Help. There are many sections and subsections to find almost anything. Release BB is a great plugin, especially for those who don’t mind matchmaking.

ReleaseBB Kodi addon contains links to many movies and TV shows in very high quality like 1080p or even 4K. Unlike other plugins, ReleaseBB pulls links from the most popular scene release websites on the internet. Read our article to get an idea of ​​how movies and shows are named within the plugin. Real Debrid is a must for this addon.

Rogue one

Rouge One is a Kodi video add-on located in the Narcacist Wizard repository. Sections include movies, TV shows, children’s TV shows, documentaries, stand up comedy, UFC, and more.

Rogue One Kodi addon lists 1-click video content with playlist style menus. In addition to movies and television shows, they are sections dedicated to documentaries, sports replays and WWE wrestling. This addon requires a service like Real Debrid to work, so be sure to authorize your account with your Kodi media center.


Maverick is a great Kodi addon that streams movies, TV shows, sports, live TV, and more. Sections include Search, 4K UHD Movies RD, Free New Movies, New RD Movies, British Movies, Family Movies, Documentaries, TV Shows, Comedy, Sports and much more.

The Maverick Kodi addon is a 1-click playlist style extension with direct links. In addition to movies and TV shows, the plugin also includes sections for live sports and TV, sports replays, wrestling shows from WWE, AEW and UFC events. Maverick has been updated and now works with the Kodi 19 Matrix.

It has a combination of free and Debrid links for those who use Real Debrid. The New Movie Free section has a lot of free 1-click-to-play videos that are currently working very well.


Boys Kodi addon is a very stylish all-in-one addon for your media center. Combine the Chains, Ghost, Mad Titan, and Wasteland add-ons into one big one. With The Boys Kodi addon, you can rip movies and TV shows and have access to various playlists and content with 1 click. In addition to movies and TV shows, there are also several sections for live sports, sports TV, and reruns.

Sports include soccer (NFL), soccer (international), basketball (NBA), hockey (NHL), combat sports (MMA / UFC), wrestling, and more. In addition, you have access to a schedule that is updated daily. The Boys is a Kodi 19 Matrix Real Debrid addon from the Strings Repository. Sections include Movies, TV Shows, Trakt, Search, Last Link Played, and Settings.

Final remarks: Best working Kodi Add-ons

I hope you understand and like this list Best working Kodi Add-ons. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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