How to Change Gmail Back to the Old Versions Appearance: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re not a fan of the new revamped visual interface of Gmail and want to switch back to the older versions, this guide is for you. We’ll walk you through various methods to customize the look of Gmail, including reverting to the traditional Gmail or making the new Gmail resemble the classic version. Additionally, we’ll also show you how to use the simple HTML version of Gmail for a faster and clutter-free experience. Let’s dive in!

Key Points:

  • Not all Gmail users have the option to switch back to the traditional version.
  • You can customize the new Gmail to resemble the old classic Gmail by adjusting its settings.
  • The simple HTML version of Gmail offers a basic and fast email experience.
  • Changing the Gmail interface is a personal preference and depends on how you use Gmail.


1. Can I switch back to the old version of Gmail?

Yes, you may have the option to switch back to the old version of Gmail. Follow these steps:
1. Open and sign in
2. Click the Gear icon in the upper right corner
3. Choose “Return to traditional Gmail” *
* Note: This option may not be available for everyone as the new interface becomes widely used.

2. How can I make the new Gmail look like the old classic Gmail?

If you want the new Gmail to resemble the old classic Gmail, you can make some visual adjustments. Here’s how:
1. Open in your browser
2. Click the gear icon and select “Screen Density”
3. Choose “Compact” or “Comfortable” to see more emails on one screen
4. Go back to the gear icon and select “Settings”
5. Disable “Hover Features” under General Settings
6. Explore themes and choose the ones that resemble the old Gmail the most

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