Best Epic Keyboard Shortcuts 2024: to boost your productivity

Increase your productivity with these key Epic keyboard shortcuts

There are the best epic keyboard shortcuts that you can learn. When conducting a quick online search, I was surprised to discover that there is a lack of comprehensive and helpful information on navigating Epic, a robust medical documentation system. Epic has a lot of features that are meant to save time and make patient care better, but for new users, the sheer number and complexity of these features can be overwhelming. Even for people who have used Epic before, the recent rollout has been a headache and a big waste of time. Once users learn how to use the system, Epic can speed up processes and save time, but they often have to put in a lot of work at the beginning.

To use keyboard shortcuts in Epic, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. To copy, for example, you hold down the Command key, press the C key, and then let go of both keys. On Windows PCs, you should use the Alt key instead of the Option key and the Windows logo key instead of the Command key. Some Apple keyboards have special symbols and functions, like the ability to change the brightness of the screen or keyboard and access Mission Control. If your keyboard doesn’t have these functions, you can make your own keyboard shortcuts to do the same thing. Below, we have mentioned the best Epic Keyboard Shortcuts.

Why Keyboard Shortcuts Are Important?

When using computers or software like Epic, keyboard shortcuts are a key part of being more productive and efficient. Here are a few important reasons why keyboard shortcuts are useful:

Keyboard shortcuts save time because they let you do things quickly without having to go through menus or use a mouse. Keyboard shortcuts can cut down on the time it takes to do things by getting rid of the need to click multiple times or look for specific options.

Streamlined Workflow: Using keyboard shortcuts makes work go more smoothly by reducing the number of stops and starts. With a simple combination of keys, you can run commands or switch between different software functions without losing your place or focus.

Increased Efficiency: Learning and using keyboard shortcuts can make you a lot more productive overall. Instead of only using the mouse and clicking, keyboard shortcuts let you run commands and access features directly. This cuts out steps you don’t need and makes you faster and more accurate.

Benefits of Using Keyboard Shortcuts

What are the benefits of using keyboard shortcuts?

Time-saving: Shortcuts on the keyboard make it easy to move around and run commands quickly and efficiently, saving valuable time when doing different tasks. Users can do things without using a mouse or trackpad to find and click on specific options or buttons. Instead, they can use a simple key combination.

Increased Productivity: Keyboard shortcuts help make work easier by reducing the need to move and click the mouse. Users can quickly switch between applications, do tasks that they do often, open menus, and run commands without losing their focus or flow. This can help people get their work done faster and better.

Less strain and fatigue: Using keyboard shortcuts can help reduce the strain and fatigue that come from using a mouse for a long time. Constantly reaching for the mouse and clicking it over and over again can be painful and could lead to a repetitive strain injury. With keyboard shortcuts, you don’t have to move the mouse as much, which is better for your body.

Best Epic Keyboard Shortcuts

Mastering keyboard shortcuts can make a huge difference in how productive you are. Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste), Ctrl+Z (undo), Ctrl+S (save), Ctrl+X (cut), and Ctrl+P (print) are some important shortcuts. Also, Alt+Tab is a quick way to switch between open programs, and Ctrl+T opens a new tab in most web browsers. There are many more shortcuts like these that can save you time and make your computer use easier and more efficient.

General Shortcuts:

Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + NNew
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + WClose window/tab
Ctrl + QQuit application

Text Formatting Shortcuts:

Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease font size
Ctrl + LLeft-align text
Ctrl + ECenter-align text
Ctrl + RRight-align text
Ctrl + Shift + LBulleted list
Ctrl + Shift + NNumbered list

Web Browsing Shortcuts:

Ctrl + TNew tab
Ctrl + TabSwitch to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to previous tab
Ctrl + DBookmark current page
Ctrl + F5Refresh page (ignore cache)
Ctrl + +Zoom in
Ctrl + –Zoom out
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom
Ctrl + WClose current tab
Ctrl + Shift + WClose all tabs
Ctrl + Shift + BToggle bookmarks bar

File Management Shortcuts:

Ctrl + NNew folder
Ctrl + Shift + NNew file
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + DeleteDelete
Ctrl + Shift + DeleteEmpty trash/bin
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + F5Refresh (Windows)
Command + RRefresh (Mac)

Best Epic Keyboard Shortcuts for Different Platforms

Find out how to use the best keyboard shortcuts on different platforms to boost your productivity. From Windows to macOS and even Linux, these shortcuts will help you move around, switch between tasks, and run commands quickly. Whether you are an experienced power user or just getting started, learning these keyboard shortcuts will change the way you use your computer.


Ctrl + NCreate a new account
Ctrl + LLog in with an existing account
Ctrl + Shift + QLog out of the current account
Ctrl + DSwitch to the Downloads tab
Ctrl + USwitch to the Updates tab
Ctrl + GSwitch to the Games tab
Ctrl + Shift + ESwitch to the Store tab
Ctrl + FOpen the search bar
Ctrl + HView your account purchase history
Ctrl + PView and edit your profile settings
Ctrl + RRefresh the current page
Ctrl + Shift + DOpen the Developer Tools
Ctrl + Shift + IOpen the settings menu
Ctrl + +Zoom in
Ctrl + –Zoom out


Command + NCreate a new account
Command + LLog in with an existing account
Command + Shift + QLog out of the current account
Command + DSwitch to the Downloads tab
Command + USwitch to the Updates tab
Command + GSwitch to the Games tab
Command + Shift + ESwitch to the Store tab
Command + FOpen the search bar
Command + HView your account purchase history
Command + PView and edit your profile settings
Command + RRefresh the current page
Command + Shift + DOpen the Developer Tools
Command + ,Open the settings menu
Command + +Zoom in
Command + –Zoom out

How to Learn Keyboard Shortcuts Quickly?

When using different software programs, learning keyboard shortcuts quickly can make you much more productive and efficient. Here are some tips to help you quickly learn how to use keyboard shortcuts:

Start with what’s most important: Find the shortcuts that you use most often with the software or app you’re using. Common ones are copy (Ctrl+C or Command+C), paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V), undo (Ctrl+Z or Command+Z), and save (Ctrl+S or Command+S). If you know how to use these basic short cuts, you will have a solid foundation.

Look for cheat sheets. Many software programs have printable cheat sheets or documentation with a list of all the keyboard shortcuts that can be used. You can use these cheat sheets as quick reminders to learn and remember the shortcuts faster.

Regular practice is the best way to learn how to use keyboard shortcuts. Set aside time to practice shortcuts so you don’t have to use the mouse or touchpad all the time. Over time, your muscles will learn the shortcuts, making it easier to remember them and use them.

How to enable Epic Keyboard Shortcuts?

To enable Epic Keyboard Shortcuts, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Epic application on your computer.
  2. Click on the settings icon or navigate to the “Settings” option in the menu.
  3. Look for the “Keyboard Shortcuts” or a similar option within the settings menu.
  4. Click on the “Keyboard Shortcuts” option to access the keyboard settings.
  5. You may find a list of pre-defined keyboard shortcuts or an option to customize them.
  6. If you want to customize the shortcuts, click on the “Customize” or “Edit” button.
  7. Select the function or action you want to assign a shortcut to.
  8. Press the desired key combination or sequence on your keyboard to set the shortcut.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each function or action you want to assign a shortcut to.
  10. Once you have set all the shortcuts, click on the “Save” or “Apply” button to save your changes.
  11. Close the settings menu.


What does F5 do in epic?

Click or Tab into the field where you want to make a change, then click or press F5 to make the change. You can also quickly find your choice with completion matching. Press the “Tab” key after typing the first few letters that match the choice you want.

What is the F1 key in epic?

For online help in Epic, press F1 on any data entry field or display form. This window has help information about Chart Search, Keyboard Shortcuts, and Time and Date Entry Shortcuts. To close this window, click the “X” button.

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