5 Fixes: How to Fix Asus Laptop Won’t Turn On Issue

If you have the same problem and want to know how to Fix Asus Laptop Won’t Turn On Issue, don’t worry. This problem doesn’t come up all that often when people use ASUS. Electronic gadgets are, without a doubt, very hard to predict. One second, they work fine, and the next, they stop working. Well, we usually make these hardware and program problems worse by being careless.

Having trouble getting your Asus laptop to turn on? Well, you’re not alone! Even though Asus laptops are known for being reliable and lasting for a long time, they can have problems just like any other tech device. So, don’t worry if your Asus laptop won’t turn on. You can try a few things to get it back up and running.

Most of the time, you can fix these bugs at home, but if your laptop starts acting up, you should talk to an expert. Normal things we do, like overcharging our device after it has hit its best battery life, connecting our phones to our laptops, or using our laptops while they are charging, can also make them go crazy. These small things can cause your device’s hardware to break down in big ways. For more fixes go to Asus official site.

How to Fix Asus Laptop Won’t Turn On Issue

How to Fix Asus Laptop Won't Turn On Issue

Check the Battery

When your ASUS laptop won’t turn on, the first thing you can do is check the battery. If your laptop’s battery isn’t working right, it’s more possible that the device won’t turn on. If your laptop’s battery can be taken out, try doing that and then connecting the laptop straight to a power source with a charging cable.

Find out if it works or not. If so, your battery is at fault. Also, try charging the battery and waiting a few minutes. If it still doesn’t work, the battery might be dead. So, let it charge before you use it again. If you’ve tried these steps and your laptop still won’t turn on, the problem isn’t with the battery.

Hard Reboot ASUS Laptop

  • Turn on the ASUS laptop again. Hit F9. When the screen with the ASUS logo comes up, go to the secret partition.
  • When you see the Windows Boot Manager, press “Enter.” When you choose your language from the list, click “Next.”
  • Choose one from the following:
    • Restore Windows to Only the First Partition
    • Save Windows to the Whole HD
    • Recover Windows to the Whole HD with Two Partitions
  • Click Next and do what it says on the screen. The day is over for you.

Disconnect All Accessories

Some remote devices could be hardwired or wireless. This could be, for example, a portable mouse, a USB flash drive, a sound system, etc. Try taking all of these things away and seeing if the laptop wakes up.

Re-install RAM

After trying all of the above solutions, none of them worked. You could try putting the RAM back in. There is a good chance that your RAM will get damaged or stop working for a number of reasons. Your ASUS laptop won’t turn on because of this.

To put the RAM back in, carefully take it out and clean it with a soft, wet cloth. Then, put it back in the right way so you don’t break it. Next, check to see if the slot is broken, remove and replace the RAM, and make sure it is in the right place. So, that’s all!

Test the charger

  • Again, turn off everything and take out the battery.
  • After you’ve held down the button for one minute, put the battery back in.
  • At this point, try to turn on the device, but don’t connect it to the charger.

If the laptop turns on, that means the battery is fine. On the other hand, the trouble could be in the charger. Try plugging the laptop into a different charger to see if this is really the issue. If you don’t have another charger, you can ask someone to give you one or take a chance and buy a new one. Your best friend is the return time.


Why is my Asus laptop not turning on and not charging?

Please check to see if the AC adapter connector is loose (shown in the picture below as A-power cord plug, B-outlet side plug, and C-NB side AC jack), or try connecting to a different outlet. Please check to see if the cord or adapter is broken. If there is damage, you can get more information from the ASUS service center.

Why is my Asus laptop black screen?

Most of the time, the graphics driver is to blame. Try reinstalling the graphics driver after going into Safe Mode. You can find out more about how to search for and download drivers here. If you are still having trouble, call ASUS Product Support for more help.

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