Fix Rainbow Static Screen on PC

In this article, we will talk about How to Fix Rainbow Static Screen on PC. We have all seen a static rainbow screen, i.e. the bold color stripes arranged vertically across the display. It is usually associated with an error, as it is a sign that something is wrong with the screen’s hardware. The static rainbow screen is not commonly seen. If your screen keeps showing rainbow colors for no particular reason, there is probably something wrong with your system, either with the (operating) system software or with the hardware itself.

Rainbows only look good in the sky, not on computer screens. The reasons for a static rainbow screen can be as arbitrary as possible. The most common reasons are physical problems with the hardware. If the hardware is not connected properly or is physically damaged or overheated, the screen may appear distorted and streaky.

The problem used to be more common with CRT monitors, but nowadays LED panels are more common and rainbow streaking occurs less frequently. Software can also be responsible for rainbow stripes and can be fixed with software or driver updates. Vertical stripes are more common on computer screens than horizontal ones. Horizontal stripes can be the same as vertical stripes. Below, we have mentioned some ways to Fix rainbow static screen on PC.

How to Fix Rainbow Static Field on Your PC

Uninstall Beta Display Update

If the static rainbow screen occurs after the beta display update on your laptop or computer, you can uninstall the beta display update to fix the static rainbow screen error. So, you can install third-party software such as “IOBIT” on your computer to uninstall the display driver.

Check for the External Settings

Sometimes naughty children and pets attack the computer screen and other cables. Therefore, you need to check the cables and the screen. If the cables are loose and cause the static rainbow screen, you can fix the static rainbow screen error by tightening the cables. But if your screen is broken, you can replace it.

Reset or Restore Your Computer

If you cannot find any incorrect settings on your computer, you can factory reset your computer or restore it to a time when the screen was working normally.

Reset Your PC:

Step 1:- Click the Start button and then Settings.

Step 2:- Select Update & Security and click Recovery.

Step 3:- Under Reset this PC, select Getting started.

Step 4:- Then select Keep my files and choose a method to reinstall Windows.

Step 5:- Turn on the Pre-installed applications option. This will cause the computer to reinstall Windows and save your files.

Step 6:- However, all the applications you installed and all the changes you made to the settings will be deleted. Only the applications that the PC manufacturer installed will be saved.

Restore Your PC:

Step 1:- Click the search icon in the taskbar and type “Control Panel” in the search box.

Step 2:- Type “Recovery” in the Control Panel search box.

Step 3:- Select Recovery, and then click Open System Restore.

Step 4:- In the Restore system files and settings box, select Next.

Step 5:- In the list of results, select the restore point you want to use, and then select Search for affected programs.

Step 6:- A list of items that will be deleted if you remove this restore point is displayed. If you agree with the deletions, select Close and Next in turn and click Finish.

Contact Specialized Maintenance Personnel

For all computer errors, the best way to fix the error is to take it to experts or manufacturers for technical repair. This is because they have a lot of expertise in computer repairs and can reduce the consequential damage to your computer.

Final Words

We hope you like this article Fix Rainbow Static Screen (RSS) on Your Laptop/Computer Monitor. A Rainbow static screen is vertical or horizon rainbow lines or patterns on the screen. These lines appear on one side of the screen or on the whole screen. Rainbows on computer screens can be problematic and annoying and can occur due to software and hardware issues for any reason.

I hope you understand this article, Fix Rainbow Static Screen on PC.

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