Eliminate Unwanted Ads on Your Android Device Without External Apps

Explore this definitive guide on how to seamlessly remove ads from your Android device without using third-party applications. Recently updated for clarity and practicality, this tutorial aims to enhance your user experience while maintaining device security. Embrace an ad-free environment and let us dive into the details of this invaluable insight.

Effortless Ad-Blocking on Android: No Additional Apps Required

Advertisements are a common sight across the digital landscape, offering free access to countless online services and applications. However, excessive or intrusive ads can disrupt your browsing experience and compromise usability. This tutorial highlights a native solution to keep adverts at bay—augmenting your browsing experience without the involvement of third-party apps.

Encountering aggressive promotional strategies such as redirect loops or full-screen interferences is frustrating. Nevertheless, when executed with finesse, advertisements can be engaging, informative, and even delightful. Let’s navigate away from the invasive advertising practices that cast a negative shadow over online advertising.

Simplified Ad-Blocking Process for Your Android Smartphone

Locating Your Phone’s Private DNS Setting

To begin, locate the ‘Private DNS’ setting on your Android device, typically nestled within the network settings. If manual searching proves difficult, the Settings search bar is a quick alternative—simply input “Private DNS” for instant access.

Should your pursuit for ‘Private DNS’ yield no results, it may indicate incompatibility on your device. The ability to alter private DNS is generally reserved for devices running Android 9.0 Pie or newer versions.

Setting a Custom Private DNS

Upon selecting the ‘Private DNS’ option, you’ll encounter three choices: Off, Automatic, and a field for a ‘Private DNS provider hostname’. It is the latter that you’ll select, and here you’ll insert your preferred DNS hostname provider.

The Magic Step: AdGuard’s Private DNS

Type in “dns.adguard.com” (omit the quotes), save your changes, and voilà! Your device will now utilize AdGuard’s DNS service, effectively creating an ad-blockade.

This alteration will provide you an ad-free voyage within both browsers and a multitude of apps. Note that while ads are blocked, placeholders may manifest as empty spaces or grey blocks.


Understanding how to block ads on your Android device without additional apps is empowering and enhances your online navigation. Should you have questions or require further clarification, please reach out through our contact platform. For those who found this guide valuable, sharing it with others is the greatest form of support—for which we are immensely grateful.


Q: Will this ad-blocking method work on all Android devices?

A: This method is compatible with Android devices that run on version 9.0 Pie or newer and support the Private DNS feature.

Q: Can I use a different Private DNS provider other than ‘dns.adguard.com’?

A: Yes, you can select any Private DNS provider that offers ad-blocking services. Simply enter their DNS hostname in place of AdGuard’s.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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