How to Check CPU Temperature on Windows PC

Is your Windows PC running slow? Are you worried about overheating? Monitoring your CPU temperature is crucial to ensure your computer runs smoothly and avoid any potential damage. In this comprehensive guide, we will show you different methods to check your CPU temperature on a Windows PC, so you can keep an eye on it and prevent overheating issues.

Why is Checking CPU Temperature Important?

High CPU temperatures can lead to system instability and reduced performance. By monitoring your CPU temperature regularly, you can identify if your computer is running hot and take necessary steps to prevent any harm. Let’s explore some methods to check your CPU temperature in Windows PC.

Method 1: Using CPU Monitoring Software

A convenient and reliable way to check your CPU temperature is by using specialized monitoring software. Two popular options are Intel’s CPU monitoring software and AMD’s CPU monitoring software. Additionally, you can try third-party software like Core Temp, which is widely used and provides accurate readings. Here’s how to use Core Temp:

  1. Download and install Core Temp on your Windows PC. Remember to uncheck any unwanted additional software during installation.
  2. Launch Core Temp and look at the bottom of the window to see the temperature readings for each CPU core. You can switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit by going to Options > Settings > Display.
  3. Observe the current temperature, minimum and maximum recorded temperatures, and the CPU workload percentage.

Method 2: Checking CPU Temperature in UEFI/BIOS

If you prefer checking your CPU temperature outside of Windows, you can access the UEFI/BIOS settings on your computer. The process may vary depending on your computer model, but here are the general steps:

  1. Restart your computer and look for the key or combination of keys to access UEFI/BIOS. This is usually displayed during the boot process.
  2. Once you enter UEFI/BIOS, navigate to the temperature or hardware monitoring section, where you can find CPU temperature information.
  3. Note that this method provides a single snapshot of the CPU temperature and does not allow continuous monitoring.

Monitoring CPU Temperature Over Time

In addition to checking your CPU temperature at a particular moment, it’s beneficial to monitor it over time to identify any trends or patterns. Here’s how you can monitor your CPU temperature over time:

  1. With Core Temp installed, locate the Core Temp icon in the taskbar’s notification area (usually the bottom-right corner of the screen).
  2. Click on the arrow icon to expand the list and view the current temperatures of your CPU cores. You can also pin the Core Temp icon to the taskbar for permanent display.
  3. To save space on the taskbar, you can choose to display only the highest temperature by going to Options > Settings > Notification area and selecting “Highest temperature per processor.”

Monitoring CPU Temperature in Full Screen Mode

If you want to monitor your CPU temperature while playing games or watching videos in full screen, you can use a tool called RivaTuner, which works in conjunction with MSI Afterburner. Follow these steps:

  1. Install MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner on your Windows PC.
  2. Open MSI Afterburner and go to Settings. In the Monitoring tab, select “CPU temperature” and check the box for “Show on-screen display.”
  3. Switch to the On-Screen Display tab and set a hotkey combination to display your CPU temperature while in full-screen applications.


Knowing how to check CPU temperature on your Windows PC is essential for maintaining optimal performance. Whether you prefer using dedicated monitoring software or checking in the UEFI/BIOS settings, regularly monitoring your CPU temperature can help prevent overheating and keep your computer running smoothly. Stay vigilant and keep your PC cool!

If you have any further questions about checking CPU temperature or any related concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Share this guide with your friends and family to help them keep their Windows PCs running at their best!

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