Clearing Autofill Entries in the Latest iPhone Outlook Email App

In our ever-connected digital world, email management is paramount, especially when it comes to safeguarding our digital footprints. Among Apple’s suite of productivity tools, the iPhone’s Outlook email application stands out for its seamless integration and ease of use. However, maintaining privacy and preventing unwanted autofill suggestions necessitates a little housekeeping. In this updated guide, we will walk you through the steps to delete outdated or incorrect autofill entries in the iPhone’s Outlook Email App.

Understanding the Autofill Feature

The Outlook app on your iPhone diligently remembers the email addresses you type in the To, CC, and BCC fields, streamlining your communications by suggesting contacts as soon as you begin typing. But occasionally, this helpful feature can clutter your email experience with old or mistyped addresses. We’re here to provide a solution to tidy up your autofill suggestions, enhancing the app’s efficiency without compromising your private information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Delete Autofill Entries in Outlook for iPhone

  • Navigate to your iPhone’s “Settings” app, the gear-iconed command center of your device.
  • Within the Settings menu, scroll to find and select “Outlook” from your list of applications.
  • In the Outlook settings, look for the “Mail” section and then choose “Clear AutoComplete List.”
  • A prompt will appear, confirming your intention to clear the list. Select “Confirm” to proceed.

It’s that simple. The next time you compose an email, those outdated email suggestions will no longer appear, allowing for a more streamlined emailing process.


The convenience of autofill is undeniable, but like any tool, it requires occasional maintenance. Cleaning up the autofill entries on your iPhone’s Outlook app not only improves your user experience but also protects your privacy. By following these steps, you can ensure that your communications remain efficient and secure. Ready to clear out the digital clutter?


Q: Does clearing the autofill on Outlook affect my saved contacts?

A: No, it does not. Clearing the autofill list only removes the suggested email addresses that pop up during composing; it does not delete any saved contact information from your address book.

Q: Can I selectively delete autofill entries on the iPhone’s Outlook app?

A: The current version of iPhone’s Outlook app does not support selective deletion of autofill entries; the process will clear all entries. For manual control, you may need to use Outlook on a desktop.

Remember, this guide is tailored for the modern iPhone user who values their time and privacy. Continuously updating your practices with the latest software advances keeps you ahead in both personal productivity and digital security.

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