How to Determine the Device Driver Versions on Windows 11/10 PC

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Check How to Determine the Device Driver Versions on Windows 11/10 PC

If you want to check the driver version in Windows 11/10, please do as follows. There are several ways to find out the version of drivers installed in Windows 11 and Windows 10. All hardware, whether it’s your PC’s RAM or hard drive or a connected keyboard or printer, needs a driver to communicate with the system. operative. Without the driver, the hardware would not understand what the operating system is asking for, and vice versa. Therefore, an updated and error-free driver is essential for the proper functioning of any hardware. Drivers are constantly updated with new improvements through patches, which consequently change the associated version of a driver.

As you can see, the version numbers started with the smallest and then made incremental changes based on the size of the update. Having understood that, it is important to keep track of what driver version you are running on your computer. This helps distinguish between your driver and the latest available one. If your system hasn’t updated the driver for a while, there should be a significant version difference between the version offered by the vendor and the version on your device.

How to determine device driver versions on Windows 11/10 PC

How to determine the driver version using Device Manager

To determine the driver version for a particular piece of hardware using Device Manager, follow these steps:

  • Open Home.
  • Search for Device Manager and click the top result to open the experience.
  • Expand the branch of the device on which you want to check the driver version.
  • Right click on the device and select the Properties option.
  • Click on the Driver tab.
  • Check the version of the driver installed on the device.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll know the current version of the driver, which you can compare to the version number on your manufacturer’s support website to determine if Windows 10 is using the latest version. In addition to the driver version, you can also get other useful information on the Drivers tab, such as the date the current driver version was installed and whether the driver was successfully signed.

How to determine driver version using PowerShell

If you want to check the driver version for one or more devices, you can also use this PowerShell command:

  • Open Home.
  • Search for PowerShell, right-click on the top result and select Run as administrator.
  • Type the following command to list the drivers installed on your computer and press Enter:
    • Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver| select DeviceName, Manufacturer, DriverVersion
  • The version of the drivers will be displayed in the third column on the right.

Final words: How to Determine the Device Driver Versions on Windows 11/10 PC

I hope you understand this article, How to Determine the Device Driver Versions on Windows 11/10 PC. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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