How to Enable or Disable Recycle Bin in Windows 10 PC

Learn how to enable or disable the Recycle Bin in Windows 10 PC to optimize storage space and manage deleted files more efficiently. Follow these simple steps to customize your Recycle Bin settings according to your preference.

Temporarily Bypass the Recycle Bin

If you only want to bypass the Recycle Bin for specific files, you can do so by using a keyboard shortcut. Highlight the file in Windows Explorer and press Shift + Delete. Confirm the permanent deletion in the pop-up window. This method allows you to permanently delete files without sending them to the Recycle Bin.

Completely Disable the Recycle Bin

If you prefer to disable the Recycle Bin entirely, you can do so on a drive-by-drive basis. Right-click on the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop and select “Properties.” Choose the desired drive and check the box that says “Do not move files to the Recycle Bin.” Click Apply to make the change. Any files deleted after this modification will be permanently deleted without a confirmation prompt. Remember to configure each drive separately if you want to modify multiple drives.

Remove the Recycle Bin from Your Desktop

If you want to eliminate the Recycle Bin icon from your desktop, you can hide it through the Control Panel. Navigate to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Personalization > Change Desktop Icons. Uncheck the box corresponding to the Recycle Bin icon and click Apply. This will remove the Recycle Bin from your desktop while still keeping it accessible through the search function.

Benefits of Enabling or Disabling the Recycle Bin

  • This guide is free to read and provides step-by-step instructions on customizing Recycle Bin settings.
  • By following these instructions, you can efficiently manage your deleted files and optimize storage space on your Windows 10 PC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this guide about?

This guide provides instructions on enabling or disabling the Recycle Bin in Windows 10 PC.

How does this guide help?

By following this guide, you can customize your Recycle Bin settings to better suit your needs and preferences.


If you have any further questions or need assistance regarding enabling or disabling the Recycle Bin in Windows 10 PC, please feel free to reach out to us through the comment section below or our contact page. Keep in mind that this guide is for informational purposes only, and if you come across any inaccuracies or want to contribute additional tips, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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