How to Enable Focus Assist in Windows 10 PC: A Complete Guide

Do you ever get bothered by unnecessary notifications while working on your Windows 10 PC? Focus Assist is a feature that can help you with that. It allows you to control and limit notifications in order to avoid distractions during important tasks. In this article, we will guide you on how to enable and use this feature effectively.

How to Enable Focus Assist in Windows 10 PC

Enabling the Focus Assist feature on your Windows 10 PC is easy. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Click the square icon at the bottom right of your screen, which will open the Notification Center.
  2. Select “Focus Assist”.
  3. Select one of the three options: “Off”, “Priority Only” or “Alarms Only” to control the notifications that you receive.
  4. Toggle the button to enable “Automatic Rules” if you want to automatically enable Focus Assist during specific times or when using certain applications.

Benefits of Using the Focus Assist Feature

The main benefit of enabling Focus Assist is to avoid distractions and improve your productivity. You can control your notifications during important work, presentations, or even while playing games to stay focused. This feature also provides the flexibility to customize and manage your notifications according to your preferences.


What was the previous name of Focus Assist, and when was it introduced?

The previous name of Focus Assist was “Quiet Hours”, which was introduced earlier in Windows 10. In Windows 10 version 1803, it was renamed to “Focus Assist”.

How can I enable Automatic Rules in Focus Assist?

To enable Automatic Rules:

  1. Open the Notification Center and click on “Focus Assist”.
  2. Select “Automatic Rules”.
  3. Toggle the button to enable Automatic Rules and select the specific conditions when you want to use Focus Assist.

What are the different options in Focus Assist, and how do they work?

The three options in Focus Assist are:

  • Off: In this mode, you will receive notifications from all contacts and apps.
  • Priority Only: This option allows you to set a priority list of contacts and apps. You will only receive notifications from the included apps and contacts.
  • Alarms Only: This option will suppress all notifications except for alarms that you set.

How can I turn off notifications entirely on Focus Assist?

You can turn off notifications using “Off” mode in Focus Assist. This will allow you to receive notifications from all contacts and apps.

Final Remarks

We hope this guide on how to enable Focus Assist in Windows 10 PC was helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, please feel free to ask us in the comment section below. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family if you found it helpful.

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