Enable Scrolling Screenshots in Chrome on Android 12

In this updated guide, we dive into the innovative scrolling screenshot feature introduced in Android 12 and how to use it effectively in Google Chrome. Capturing more than just what’s on your screen is now a breeze, and we’ll walk you through the steps to make the most of this functionality.

Unlocking Extended Screenshots in Google Chrome

Android 12 has brought an exciting development to screenshots with its native scrolling screenshot feature. This enhancement makes it possible to capture more than just the visible screen. A new “Capture More” option allows you to include the entire webpage in your screenshot—an invaluable tool for when you need to share or save entire articles, long chats, or comprehensive guides.

In Google Chrome, scrolling screenshot capability seamlessly integrates with the browser, providing an extended view of web pages. Now, capturing the full length of a page is just a few taps away. This feature is particularly useful in Chrome where the traditional screenshot methods fall short, as full web pages often extend beyond the viewable screen area.

Step-by-Step: Scrolling Screenshots in Chrome

  • Initiate a screenshot by pressing the Power and Volume Down buttons together—this is the standard screenshot method.
  • A prompt will appear with a “Capture More” button alongside the screenshot preview at the bottom. Tap it.
  • The screen will zoom out, displaying an extended view of the page. Here, you can select the desired scope of the screenshot.
  • Once you’ve adjusted the selection, simply hit the “Save” button located at the top.
  • From this interface, you also have the option to edit or directly share your new extended screenshot.

If you don’t have this feature yet, it might be due to the fact that it’s being distributed in stages through a server-side update from Google. Check to see if you’re running the latest version of Chrome (ideally Chrome 96 or above), which you can update or download from the Google Play Store. Remember, this feature is compatible with devices operating on Android 12 and the 12L beta versions.


With the step-by-step instructions provided, enabling and utilizing the scrolling screenshot feature in Chrome on Android 12 should be a straightforward process. We hope this guide helps you in capturing the full scope of information from web pages that was previously beyond reach in a single screenshot.


Q: What is required to use the scrolling screenshot feature in Chrome?

A: You need a device running Android 12 or the 12L beta, along with the latest version of Google Chrome.

Q: Will the scrolling screenshot work on all websites within Chrome?

A: Yes, the feature is designed to work across Chrome for web content, assuming your device meets the software requirements.

We’re dedicated to providing you with detailed, user-friendly tutorials that not only keep up with the latest technology but also enhance your digital experience.

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