Troubleshooting Common Animoji Issues on iPhone

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on addressing Animoji issues on your iPhone. Animojis, Apple’s captivating animated emojis, bring a new level of expressiveness to messages, mirroring your facial expressions and reactions. However, experiencing problems with them can be frustrating. This article will help you troubleshoot common Animoji malfunctions so you can get back to sharing your delightful animations with friends and family.

Ensuring Accurate Animoji Expressions

If your Animoji isn’t tracking your face movements or expressions accurately, here are several factors you should consider:

  • Optimal Lighting: While Animoji doesn’t rely on Face ID, it does use the ARKit framework, which performs best under good lighting conditions. The perfect amount of light aids in precise head tracking and expression capture.
  • Positioning: A yellow bounding box will appear on your screen, indicating where your face should be for optimal tracking. Ensure your face is within this box throughout the recording.
  • Steadiness: Keep your iPhone steadily in front of you. The TrueDepth camera system must have a clear view of you for the entire duration of creating your Animoji.

Fixing Animoji Freeze and Stutter

Smooth Animoji performance requires the following:

  • Close Heavy Apps: Animoji use a significant amount of processing power. If you have been running resource-intensive apps, consider closing them or restarting your iPhone to ensure a smoother Animoji experience.
  • Maintain Stability: Any movement taking your face outside the TrueDepth camera’s field of view can disrupt tracking. Ensure you stay within the boundaries for consistent performance.

Solution for Animoji Not Sending

After creating your Animoji, hit the send button for it to reach your contacts. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Patience is Key: Animoji are sent as video files, which may take some time to upload, especially if they are of longer duration or the network is slow. Observe the progress bar for updates.
  • Avoid Navigating Away: Due to a known issue, leaving Messages or switching conversations before an Animoji is sent completely may cause it to fail to send or disappear.


In this guide, we’ve explored common Animoji problems and provided solutions to ensure that your animated expressions work flawlessly. By following the provided tips, you can minimize interruptions and continue sharing your Animoji magic with the world.


Q: How can I improve the accuracy of my Animoji’s facial tracking?

A: Ensure ample lighting and keep your face within the yellow bounding box shown on the screen during recording. Stability is also crucial, so try not to move excessively.

Q: What should I do if my Animoji won’t send?

A: Animoji files can take some time to send due to their size. Wait for the progress bar to complete, and avoid switching out of the Messages app until the Animoji is fully sent.

By following these recommendations, you’ll be able to enhance your Animoji experience and resolve common issues with ease.

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