How to Fix Error Code NW-31194-8 on PS4

When the PS4 error code NW 31194 occurs 8. It introduces the top four fixes, which you can try one at a time until you solve the problem. Video game consoles are very popular these days. One of them is the PS4, or PlayStation 4. Unfortunately, you may receive an error message when playing the console: the connection to the server has been lost (NW-31194-8).

In this article we will teach you How to Fix Error Code NW-31194-8 on PS4. This PS4 error code indicates that there is a problem with the Internet connection. Don’t freak out if you get the NW 31194 8 error. Here are some possible solutions that you can use to resolve the error. Below we have mention the steps to Fix Error Code NW-31194-8 on PS4. 

How to Fix Error Code NW-31194-8 on PS4

Restart Your PS4

When you encounter network-related problems on your Playstation, the first thing you should do is restart it. This will allow your console to reload any resources that may have become corrupted while in use. Here’s how to reboot your Playstation 4:

  • To begin, hold down the PS button on your controller to access the Quick Menu.
  • Then, navigate to the Power tab.
  • Finally, press the Restart PS4 button to restart your system.

Wait for your PS4 to restart before trying to connect to the internet again to see if the problem has been resolved.

Check Your Internet Connection

Because the CE-31194-8 error code on the PS4 indicates a problem with your internet, we recommend running a speed test on your network to see if it is the cause. Using a web browser on any device. If the results show that your network connection is the source of the problem, restart your modem or wireless router to reconnect to your service provider.

Unplug the power cable from your router and wait 5 to 10 seconds before reconnecting it. After that, rerun the test to see if the problem has been resolved. If not, contact your internet service provider immediately and request that they resolve the problem with your connection.

Connect Other Devices

You could also try connecting your other devices to your network. This allows you to determine whether the issue is with your PS4 or your home network. If other devices can connect to your network and access the internet, the problem is most likely with your Playstation. To resolve the CE-31194-8 error code on your PS4, proceed to the next solution.

Check for Signal Interference

If your PS4 is experiencing network issues, you should check for signal interference if it is connected to a wireless network. Your console may be receiving insufficient Wi-Fi reception, resulting in the NW-31194-8 error code. To improve the signal received by your PS4, we recommend moving it closer to the router or vice versa.

On the other hand, you can buy a Wi-Fi repeater or mesh network to improve the reception of your wireless network in the vicinity of your PS4. Finally, an ethernet cable can be used to connect your PS4 to your network. Apart from faster internet speeds, LAN cables have lower latency, which can be advantageous when playing FPS games.

Update Your PS4

The NW-31194-8 error code may be caused by an underlying network connectivity issue in your PS4’s software. To rule this out, we recommend checking for and installing any available console updates. To update your PS4, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Settings page on your PS4 and select the System Software Update tab.
  • Then click the Update Now button.
  • Finally, click the Agree button to finalize your decision.
  • After updating your PS4, try connecting to the internet to see if the NW-31194-8 error code still appears.

Change Your DNS

Your ISP’s default domain name server may be experiencing technical difficulties right now, affecting the quality of your network connection. If this is the case, you can use Google’s DNS, which is far more reliable than any other DNS service. To change the DNS on your PS4, follow the steps below:

  • To begin, go to your PS4’s Settings and select the Network tab.
  • Now, select Use Wi-Fi from the Internet Connection Setup menu.
  • After that, select Custom and set your IP Address to Automatic.
  • Select Do Not Specify under DHCP Host Name.
  • Next, for your DNS Settings, choose Manual and enter the following values:

Primary DNS –

Secondary DNS –

  • Finally, change the value of your MTU Settings to 1456 and select Do Not Use for Proxy Server.
  • After changing the DNS on your PS4, try accessing an online feature again to see if the problem has been resolved.

Final Words

Many PS4 users are reporting various issues related to the PS4 NW-31194-8 when attempting to connect to the PlayStation Network. Sony has previously stated that they are aware of the issue that their users are experiencing and that their engineers are looking into a PS4 NW-31194-8 fix.

Later, they provided a temporary fix for many users in Asia and Europe who couldn’t get back online. The temporary fix included the settings required to configure the MTU Settings in their console. However, that was not a permanent solution for all PS4 gamers, and many people desired a better solution for the Psn NW-31194-8 error.

Since the 2.0 firmware update, many PlayStation Network users have reported seeing NW-31194-8 psn while logging into their consoles. As previously stated, the error involves an error code, NW-31194-8. If the PS4 error code NW-31194-8 is preventing you from connecting to the PlayStation Network, continue reading.

This error typically appears after installing the most recent software or firmware updates on your PS4 console. You may also receive this error code if your situation is completely unique. After applying all this above solution and still stuck in the same issue than we recommend you to go to their official support website and request your problem to be solved. 

I hope you understand this article, How to Fix Error Code NW-31194-8 on PS4.

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