Fix: Picture in Picture Not Working on iPhone

Solutions to common Picture in Picture problems on iPhone.

iOS has a great feature called “Picture in Picture” (PiP). It lets the user do more than one thing at once without being interrupted. You can write in a notebook while watching a YouTube video or check your email while watching a video. But if you can’t use this useful feature for some reason, Here, you will find out how to Fix Picture in Picture Not Working on iPhone

First of all, you need at least iOS 14 on your iPhone to use PiP. So, if your iPhone is running iOS versions older than 14, you may not be able to use PiP until you update to iOS 14 or 15. But keep reading if you have a newer version of iOS and still can’t use the PiP feature. In this article, we’ll talk about how to fix Picture in Picture (PiP) on iPhone that isn’t working.

What Is Picture In Picture Mode On iPhone

With iOS 13, Apple added a Picture in Picture mode to the iPad. With iOS 14, Apple added the same Picture in Picture mode to the iPhone. This mode lets users enjoy FaceTime calls and videos while also using their device for other things. It works with programs that let you watch videos. Here’s a quick look at how to use Picture in Picture on an iPhone with iOS 16: To use Picture in Picture on an iPhone, open a video app like Apple TV or Twitch. Show a movie On iDevices without face ID, you can go home by swiping up or holding down the Home button.

Why Picture in Picture Not Working on iPhone

Picture-in-picture might not work on your iPhone for a number of reasons. Some of the most common ones are:

  • It doesn’t work with PiP.
  • You haven’t turned on “picture in picture” in your iPhone’s Settings app.
  • You haven’t turned on picture-in-picture in the settings for the app.
Fix Picture in Picture Not Working on iPhone
  • There could be a bug that makes the feature not work.
  • You have an old version of the app running.

Fix: Picture in Picture Not Working on iPhone

Disable Restrictions

  1. Open “Settings” and go to “Screen Time.”
  2. Tap “Content & Privacy Restrictions” and enter your passcode.
  3. Disable any restrictions related to “Picture in Picture.”

Restart Your iPhone

  1. Restarting your iPhone can sometimes resolve minor software issues that can prevent features like Picture In Picture from working.
  2. The programs running on your iPhone shut down naturally and get a fresh start when your iPhone turns on again.

Disable/Enable the Picture in Picture Mode

  1. Head over to the Settings app on your iPhone -> General -> Picture in Picture Mode -> turn off the toggle.
  2. Next, restart your iPhone.
  3. Once your device has rebooted, head back into the same setting and then turn on the toggle for PiP mode at the end.

Reset All Settings

  1. Open your iPhone’sSettingsmenu.
  2. Click on “General.”
  3. Scroll to the bottom and tapReset.”
  4. ChooseReset All Settings” and make sure you want to do that.

Update Your iPhone and Apps

  1. Go to your iPhone’sSettings” menu.
  2. Scroll all the way down and tapSoftware Update.”
  3. If there is a new version, tapDownload and Install.”


Why is my picture-in-picture mode not working?

You should check the settings menu of the app you are using in addition to the settings for the operating system to determine whether or not the picture-in-picture mode has been disabled from within the app itself. The Picture-in-Picture mode can be toggled on and off within the settings menu of a number of different apps, including YouTube and VLC, amongst others.

How do you clear the cache on iPhone?

Navigate to the Settings > General menu. Select Safari from the list of apps that appears after you tap iPhone Storage on your device. To view a breakdown of your data according to website, tap the Website Data option. Select Remove All Website Data from the bottom of the screen, and then select Remove Now to confirm your selection.

Can you force picture in picture?

Navigate to Settings > Apps > Special app access > Picture-in-picture > app, and then make sure the toggle for Allow picture-in-picture is turned on. Visit a website using Google Chrome to begin playing a video in full screen mode, and then press the Home button on your Android device.

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