How to Fix Roku Error Code 009

Roku is a company that manufactures a line of media-streaming service that use the Roku software. Because Roku is the sixth company founded by its founder, Anthony Wood, the name means “six” in Japanese. Since the release of its first product, the Roku DVP, in 2008, the company has been releasing new versions of its hardware and software on a regular basis. You must be connected to the internet to stream with your Roku devices. It allows you to select from a variety of streaming apps on Roku. In this article we will try to teach you how to Fix Roku Error Code 009.

Most of the time, you’ll connect your device to a wireless internet connection, also known as Wi-Fi. However, network errors, such as Roku error code 009, can occur on your Roku device. Some users have also reported seeing this on other apps, such as Fandango error code 009 and Xfinity error code 009, if you have Xfinity on your smart TV.

Error code 009 is a warning message that appears frequently on Roku devices when they are attempting to connect to a wireless or wired internet connection. So you can reconnect to the internet and access and watch your content again. The “Error Code 009” message appears when using Roku to stream specific content. It is usually caused by a problem with the internet, but it can also be triggered if the device is experiencing disconnection or authentication issues. Below we have mention the steps to resolve Roku Error Code 009.

6 Ways to Fix Roku Error Code 009

Reset Roku

  • Open Roku and log into your account.
  • Go to Settings > System.
  • On the next screen, select System Reboot and click on the Factory Reset option.

Reset Network Settings

  • Open Roku and log into your account. Then go to Settings and click on System.
  • Select System restart and click on Reset network connection option. Then wait for the device to reset and restart automatically.
  • With Roku on, go to Settings > Network > Wi-Fi > Set up option for new Wi-Fi connection.
  • Select the Wi-Fi network you want to connect, and then select the I’m at home option.
  • In all other options, select Automatic and enter the password.

Check Your Internet Connection

Because this Roku error 009 indicates a problem with your Internet connection, you should first check your Internet connection. Check that your network bandwidth meets the network requirements for streaming content on your Roku player if you have good internet.

Restart Your Roku

  • Turn on your Roku device. Navigate to Settings > System with the remote control.
  • Choose Power and choose System Reboot.
  • Select Restart to confirm.

Clear Cached Data on Roku

  • Turn on your Roku device and make sure it’s in the Home section of the main menu.
  • Use the remote control to clear the cache in the following order: press the home button 5 times, press the up button once, press the rewind and fast forward buttons twice.
  • Then, restart the Roku device and connect to the local network.

Restart router

  • Turn off your router before unplugging it
  • After a few minutes, plug it back in and turn on your wifi router.

What Is Error 009 on My Roku

The Roku Error 009 message almost always indicates that the Roku device is unable to connect to the internet. When attempting to connect a Roku to both wired and wireless networks, Error 009 may appear. Typical causes include a problem with the internet service provider, the modem or router, data corruption, or hardware issues such as a damaged cable or a blocked Wi-Fi signal. Roku error code 009 occurs when your Roku device is unable to connect to a successful wireless internet connection. This is because your Roku device was disconnected or the connection between your device and the available network was not verified.

What causes the Roku error 009

Incorrect configuration: During the initial setup phase of your Roku TV or other device, you must connect to the network that your device will be using in order to access your streaming accounts. If this procedure is not completed successfully, your Roku will be unable to connect to your network.

Corrupt DNS files: If the DNS files associated with your wifi router are corrupted, they can interfere with your router, allowing other devices to connect successfully.

Unstable internet connection: Your Roku device will not be able to connect if your internet connection is constantly disconnecting from its network provider and is not fast enough to stream online services.

Final Words

So, here we conclude our article on methods to Fix Roku Error Code 009. If your Roku device is connected to a network but not to the internet, it will display the error code 009. It can happen at any time, whether the device is connected via a wired (Ethernet cable) or wireless (Wi-Fi) connection. These are some of the causes of error code 009 on your Roku device. If you are facing the similar issues and want to know how to resolve this problem then follow the steps mentioned above. If the problem still resides in your system then you may go to their official website for more solutions.

I hope you understand this article, How to Fix Roku Error Code 009.

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