How to Fix Snapchat Not Backing Up Memories Issue

When you try to back up your Snapchat memories and get an error message instead, it’s very upsetting. This particular mistake has a lot to do with Snapchat’s older version. So, the problem could have been caused by the fact that you haven’t updated in a while. “What is a backup error on Snapchat?” But this problem can happen if your internet link is slow, if your phone doesn’t have enough space, or if you don’t have cloud storage services. This article is about how to Fix Snapchat Not Backing Up Memories Issue.

Is it so that your Snapchat memories won’t load or have vanished? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this piece, we’ll show you a few ways to fix Snapchat Not Backing Up Memories Issue. It’s either our fault or Snapchat’s fault when we lose our Snapchat memories, but it doesn’t matter. All we need to do is get the memories back on Snapchat, and we’ll show you how to do it. Visit their official site for more support.

How to Fix Snapchat Not Backing Up Memories Issue

How to Fix Snapchat Not Backing Up Memories Issue

Enable Smart Backup

  • Open the Snapchat app and tap on your profile icon in the top left area. Then, tap the button that looks like a gear in the upper right corner to go to the settings menu.
  • Tap on Memories by scrolling down.
  • Make sure the box next to Smart Backup is checked.
  • After this, Snapchat will use mobile data instead of Wi-Fi when it can’t back up Memories.

Check Backup Progress Before Logging Out

  • Tap the personal icon in the top left corner of the Snapchat app, and then tap the gear icon in the top right corner to get to the settings menu.
  • Scroll down to Memories and tap it.
  • Check how far along the backup is. If the backup isn’t finished, you’ll have to wait before you can use another device. When the backup is done, Complete will show up in the Backup Progress box.

Clear Snapchat App Cache

  • Open the Snapchat app. Tap on the profile icon followed by the gear icon to open the Snapchat settings page.
  • Scroll down to Account Actions and tap the Clear Cache option. Choose Continue when prompted.

Enable Auto-Save Snap to Memories

  • To get to the settings menu in the Snapchat app, tap on your name icon in the top left corner and then tap on the gear icon in the top right corner.
  • Tap on Memories by scrolling down.
  • Tap “Auto-Save My Story Snaps,” and from the next choice, choose “Auto-Save to Memories.”


Can you still access Snap memories that weren’t backed up?

There’s no way to get back lost Memories that weren’t backed up properly. Important: Always make sure your Memories are fully backed up before you log out of Snapchat, sign into Snapchat on a different device, or uninstall Snapchat.

Can I recover deleted snaps?

You can put your phone back to a time when the Snaps weren’t deleted because you have a backup. This can be done with Google Drive backup on an Android phone or iCloud backup on an iPhone.

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