How to Install a Graphical Device Manager in Linux

Welcome to our guide on how to install a graphical device manager in Linux. Managing and controlling device hardware is vital, and while Windows has a built-in Device Manager, Linux does not. No worries though, as we’ll show you how to get a graphical device manager for Linux in just a few easy steps.

Why Do You Need a Graphical Device Manager?

A graphical device manager simplifies the management of your device hardware. It provides a convenient way to explore and inspect the hardware and devices connected to your computer. Unlike command-line tools in Linux that provide information about hardware components, a graphical device manager offers a familiar, user-friendly interface.

Introducing HardInfo

One such app that serves as a graphical device manager for Linux is HardInfo. It bears a striking similarity to the Windows Device Manager, both in terms of features and user interface. Let’s take a look at how you can install and use HardInfo on Linux.

Installing HardInfo

Here’s how you can install HardInfo on different Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu: Open the terminal and type the following command: sudo apt install hardinfo
  • Manjaro: In Manjaro, use this command in the terminal: sudo pacman -S hardinfo
  • Fedora: On Fedora, you’ll need to download the installation file for HardInfo. Navigate to the location where the file is downloaded and run the following command: sudo rpm -ivh hardinfo-0.5.1-15.1.x86_64.rpm

Using HardInfo

Once HardInfo is installed, follow these steps to use it:

  • Press the “Super” key on your keyboard (usually located between the “Control” and “Alt” keys).
  • Type “hardinfo” in the search bar and locate the HardInfo icon in the search results.
  • Launch HardInfo by clicking on the icon.
  • The HardInfo interface will appear with different hardware categories listed in the left pane as a tree view.
  • To view detailed information about a specific item, click on it in the tree view. The details will be displayed in the main window.
  • HardInfo provides additional system attribute information, such as users and groups, in addition to hardware details.
  • Some screens in HardInfo are dynamic and display real-time information, like a graph of memory usage.
  • You can generate a report in HTML format by clicking the “Report” button on the menu bar. The report can be saved and opened in your web browser.
  • To copy specific information from HardInfo, use the “Copy to Clipboard” button and paste it into other applications.

More Interesting Info

HardInfo is just one example of a graphical device manager for Linux. As technology evolves, new tools and applications may emerge. Stay updated with the latest tech updates to explore more options for managing your device hardware.

Remember, having a graphical device manager makes it easier to manage and control your device hardware in Linux, enhancing your overall user experience.

So, go ahead and give HardInfo or any other graphical device manager a try. Enjoy the convenience of managing your device hardware with ease!

We hope this guide on how to install and use a graphical device manager in Linux has been helpful. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us. Happy computing!

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