How to Get and Launch the V2 Rocket in Call of Duty: Vanguard


Call of Duty is known for its exciting and thrilling gameplay, and Killstreaks are an essential part of it. One of the most potent rewards is the V2 Rocket in Call of Duty: Vanguard, which can turn the game’s tide. But how do you get it, and how do you launch it? This guide will answer all your questions.

How to Get the V2 Rocket:

To get the V2 Rocket, you need to go on a 25+ kill streak without dying. The crucial thing to keep in mind here is that you must use only your weapons or gear. Any kills that you get with established Killstreaks will not count towards getting the V2 Rocket.

How to Launch the V2 Rocket:

Once you’ve achieved the 25+ kill streak, you will be awarded the “Atomic” medal, and the V2 Rocket will appear at the top of your Killstreaks on the side of your screen. You activate it the same way as any other Killstreak. After activation, a 10-second timer will begin, and once it counts down to zero, the animation starts. Your screen will turn orange/white, and then it will turn black. Once the animation ends, your team automatically gets the victory.


1. Can I get the V2 Rocket using Killstreaks other than my weapons or gear?

No. You must use only your weapons or gear to achieve the 25+ kill streak required to get the V2 Rocket.

2. How do I activate the V2 Rocket once I’ve earned it?

Activate the V2 Rocket the same way you would use any other Killstreak.

3. Is the V2 Rocket visible in the Killstreak menu?

No. The V2 Rocket is not visible in the Killstreak menu, but it’s there, and everyone who plays the multiplayer experience already has it.

4. How long does the V2 Rocket animation take?

The animation takes about 10 seconds, and then the victory is awarded to your team automatically.

Final Remarks:

Getting and launching the V2 Rocket is no easy feat, but it’s worth it considering how it can turn the game’s tide. Remember to keep your weapons and gear ready and stay patient. With the right class setup and some practice, you’ll be launching V2 Rockets like a pro in Call of Duty: Vanguard.

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