How to Get Apple TV’s 4K Cinematic Screensavers on Your Mac

Experience the stunning beauty of Apple TV’s 4K cinematic screensavers right on your Mac! In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up these dynamic wallpapers on your computer. Get ready to transform your desktop with mesmerizing scenes from around the world.

Step 1: Download the Aerial Screensaver App

To begin, you need to download the Aerial Screensaver app, an open-source application that brings Apple TV’s screensavers to Mac. Visit the official website at and click the “Download Antenna” button to get the app. Once the download is complete, drag the Aerial Companion app icon to your Applications folder.

Step 2: Set Up the Aerial Screensaver

Open the Aerial Companion app and click “Open” to start using it. At the top of the screen, you will see the Air Mate icon. Click on it, and a dropdown menu will appear. If you see an “Install Now” button next to “Plugin not installed,” click it to install the necessary plugin. Then click “Open Settings” to open the Desktop and Screen Saver window.

Step 3: Choose the Apple TV 4K Screensaver

In the Desktop and Screen Saver window, navigate to the “Screensaver” tab. Select “Antenna” from the list of screensavers. On the right side, click “Screen Saver Options” to customize your selection.

To view all available videos, click “All Videos” on the left panel. Scroll through the list and click the star button next to the video you want to add to your screensavers. You can also edit your screensavers by clicking the gear icon in the top left corner and make adjustments according to your preferences. Once you’re done, click “Close” to save your settings.

Questions People Might Have

  • Q: How can I download the Aerial Screensaver app?
  • A: You can download the app from the official website at Simply click the “Download Antenna” button to get started.

  • Q: Can I customize the screensaver options?
  • A: Yes, you have the option to customize your screensavers. Click the gear icon in the top left corner of the Screen Saver Options window to access additional settings and make adjustments according to your preferences.

Unlock the Beauty of Apple TV’s Screensavers

Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of Apple TV’s 4K cinematic screensavers right on your Mac. With the Aerial Screensaver app, you can enjoy breathtaking scenes from around the globe, from stunning aerial views to mesmerizing landscapes. Stay connected to the world and elevate your desktop experience with these dynamic wallpapers.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your Mac into a visual masterpiece. Download the Aerial Screensaver app and bring Apple TV’s 4K cinematic screensavers to life on your computer today!

Remember to share this article with your friends and family who would love to enhance their Mac experience with these incredible screensavers. Let the beauty of Apple TV’s screensavers inspire everyone!

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