A Step-by-Step Guide to Hide App Pages on iPhone Home Screen

Are you tired of the clutter on your iPhone’s home screen? The iOS 14 update has brought a feature called the app library which lets you see all your apps organized in different categories. But you can take it a step further and hide pages that you do not want visible on the home screen. Follow this guide to learn how to hide app pages on your iPhone home screen in a few easy steps.

Steps to Hide Application Pages on iPhone

  • Long-press on a blank area on your home screen until it starts to jiggle.
  • At the bottom of the screen, you will see a page indicator with a dot for each page on your iPhone.
  • Select the page you would like to hide.
  • Touch each page to uncheck them. At least one page needs to remain visible.
  • Select “Done” and then again on the home screen.
  • You can easily restore a hidden page by repeating the process and selecting the pages you want to show again.

By following these simple steps, you can declutter your home screen and use the App Library feature to keep all your apps organized. Even if you hide an app from your home screen, it will still remain accessible to you on the App Library.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hide all my iPhone’s home screen pages?

No, your iPhone will always require at least one page to be visible on your home screen; therefore, you cannot hide all of your iPhone home screen pages.

How do I access the app library on my iPhone?

You can access the app library by swiping left from the last page of your home screen.

Can I unhide an app that I previously hid?

Yes, you can easily unhide an app by repeating the steps as described above.

What happens to my apps when I hide them?

When you hide an app, it becomes invisible from your home screen but remains accessible from the App Library.


Use the steps above to keep your home screen looking clean and organized. The iOS 14 update feature helps you hide the pages that you do not use frequently or want to see less on your iPhone’s home screen. If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends and family. And if you have any further questions, leave them in the comments section below.

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