How to Install ADB on Windows PC, macOS, Linux/Chrome OS

Are you someone who loves tweaking your Android device, installing custom ROMs, or accessing hidden features? If yes, then you need to have Android Debug Bridge (ADB) or Android Fastboot tools installed on your device. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to install ADB on Windows PC, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS, so you can unlock a world of possibilities on your Android device.

Set up your Android device for ADB

  • Open “Settings” on your Android device and navigate to “About phone”. Tap on the “Build Number” option 7 times to enable “Developer Options”. Please note that the location of the “Build Number” option may vary depending on your device’s skin.
  • Go back to “Settings” and now open “Developer Options”. Enable “USB Debugging”. Whenever you connect your Android device to your computer, make sure to select “File Transfer (MTP)” mode. Your device is now ready for ADB.

Install ADB on Windows

  • Download ADB Platform Tools for Windows from the official Google page. Extract the contents of the downloaded file using a file archiving utility like WinRAR.
  • In the extracted folder, click on the address bar and type “cmd”, then hit enter. This will open a command prompt window in the ADB directory.
  • Connect your Android device to your Windows PC and run the command “adb devices”.
  • A prompt will appear on your smartphone asking for “USB Debugging” permission. Enable the “Always Allow” checkbox and tap “Allow”.
  • You should now see your device’s serial number in the command prompt window. If it does not detect your device, try running “adb devices” again, and this time it should detect your device. Congratulations! ADB is now successfully installed on your Windows PC.

Install ADB on macOS

  • Open Terminal on your Mac and run the following command to install Homebrew:
    • ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    During the installation, you may be prompted to enter your password. The installation process typically takes around 10 minutes.

  • After Homebrew is installed, run the following command to install ADB Platform Tools:
    • brew cask install android-platform-tools
  • Connect your Android device to your Mac and run the command “adb devices”. You’ll receive a message on your Android device asking for USB debugging permission. Enable the checkbox and tap “Allow”.
  • You should now see your device’s serial number in the Terminal window, indicating that ADB has been successfully installed on your Mac.

Questions People Might Have

  • Q: Why do I need to enable USB debugging?
    A: USB debugging allows your Android device to communicate with your computer when connected via USB, enabling you to access advanced features and perform various tasks using ADB.
  • Q: How do I know if ADB is installed correctly?
    A: After installing ADB, running the command “adb devices” should display your device’s serial number in the command prompt or Terminal window.

More Interesting Info

ADB opens up a world of possibilities for Android enthusiasts. With ADB, you can easily root your device, install custom ROMs, recover old files, and perform various advanced tasks. Stay updated with the latest tech updates and interesting facts to maximize your ADB experience.

Now that you have learned how to install ADB on Windows PC, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS, it’s time to explore the endless possibilities that ADB offers. Remember, always proceed with caution and follow reliable guides to avoid any risks or damage to your device. Happy tweaking!

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the installation process, feel free to reach out to us through our contact forum. And if you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family to spread the knowledge!

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