Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install Durex Kodi Build

If you’re looking to enhance your Kodi experience with a user-friendly interface, new features, and a wide variety of add-ons, Durex Kodi Build is a great option to consider. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the installation process so that you can enjoy all the benefits this build has to offer.

Main Points:

Durex Build Benefits:

  • Durex Build offers a visually appealing and intuitive interface for Kodi.
  • It comes with a vast library of pre-installed add-ons, including popular ones like Placenta, Neptune Rising, and Uranus.
  • Durex Build ensures the best streaming experience by adding new scrapers for sourcing high-quality content.
  • It is compatible with various devices, including smartphones, computers, and TV streaming devices like FireStick and Fire TV.

Step-by-Step Installation:

  1. Enable unknown sources within Kodi settings to install third-party builds.
  2. Add Durex Wizard font to Kodi by providing the source URL:
  3. Install the Durex Wizard repository from the added source.
  4. Open the Durex Assistant and choose the Durex Kodi Build for installation.
  5. Select between “New installation” (fresh install) or “Standard installation” (some data is retained).
  6. Wait for the installation process to complete, and then restart Kodi.


1. Is Durex Build still available?

No, Durex Build is no longer available. However, you can try the Xanax build as a good alternative. Make sure to check out our list of the best Kodi builds for more options.

While Kodi builds are legal, some third-party addons that may come with these builds could provide access to copyrighted content. It’s important to use a VPN to ensure your online privacy and security while streaming. We recommend ExpressVPN for a safe and uninterrupted streaming experience.

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