How to Open Disk Cleanup in Windows 11 PC

Welcome to this guide on how to open Disk Cleanup in Windows 11 PC. If you’re looking to free up some space on your computer, Disk Cleanup is the perfect tool for the job. In this article, we’ll walk you through the different methods to access Disk Cleanup in Windows 11. Let’s get started!

Using Drive Properties

The classic way to access Disk Cleanup is through the drive properties. Here’s how:

  • Open File Explorer using the Win + E hotkey or from the Start menu.
  • Navigate to the This PC folder.
  • Right-click on a drive and select Properties. Alternatively, select a drive and press Alt + Enter.
  • In the new window, click on “Free up disk space.”

Now you can start clearing out old Windows installations, temporary files, recycle bin, and more.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

If you prefer using keyboard shortcuts, here’s how to open Disk Cleanup:

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type “cleanmgr.exe” and press Enter.
  • The Disk Cleanup tool will launch, and you can proceed to clean up space on your system drive.

Using the Start Menu

You can also open Disk Cleanup from the Start menu:

  • Open the Start menu and start typing “Disk Cleanup.”
  • Click on the Disk Cleanup app that appears in the search results.

Using Windows Terminal

If you’re comfortable with using Windows Terminal, you can open Disk Cleanup by following these steps:

  • Open Windows Terminal.
  • Type “cleanmgr” in the Command Prompt or PowerShell profile.

Questions People Might Have

  • Q: Can I still access Disk Cleanup in Windows 11?
  • A: Yes, you can still access Disk Cleanup in Windows 11 using the methods mentioned above. Although Microsoft has moved away from the classic tool, you can bypass their limitations and continue using it.

  • Q: What can I clean up using Disk Cleanup?
  • A: Disk Cleanup allows you to delete various files and data, including system files, temporary files, recycle bin, and more. It helps free up storage space on your PC.

More Interesting Info

Windows 11 introduces a new Storage Settings page that provides recommended information on what to clean and how much space you can reclaim. If you prefer using this new feature, you can access it through the Settings app. However, if you’re familiar with Disk Cleanup and prefer its classic interface, the methods mentioned above will help you continue using it in Windows 11.

Remember, keeping your PC clean and organized not only improves performance but also ensures you have enough space for new files and applications. By regularly using Disk Cleanup, you can optimize your storage and maintain a smooth-running system.

We hope this guide has been helpful in showing you how to open Disk Cleanup in Windows 11 PC. Start cleaning up your computer today and enjoy a more efficient computing experience!

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to share this article with others who might benefit from it. Happy cleaning!

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