How to Play Apex Legends on Linux

Hello everyone, today in this article we will show you how to play Apex Legends on Linux. Apex Legends will likely be playable on Steam Deck. There have been concerns about its compatibility with Steam Deck because of the device’s Linux-based operating system. But fortunately, Apex Legends is finally compatible with Linux. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Linux is an open-source operating system (OS). An operating system is a software that directly manages hardware and resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage. The operating system sits between the applications and the hardware and connects all the software and the physical resources that do the work. Apex Legends is a battle-royale game similar to Fortnite. It is intended for a slightly more adult audience and features grittier effects.

The game is set in the Titanfall universe, a place that will be familiar to players of the Respawn developers’ other franchises. Players are dropped from an airship in three teams into Kings Canyon, the world of Apex Legends. There they must gather resources and eliminate the other 19 teams to win. Players control their characters in the first person and focus on strategy. You can choose to play as one of eight characters, each with a unique skill set, making the game more nuanced and exciting.

How to play Apex Legends on Linux

Step 1: Linux gamers will have to head over to Steam to download the battle royale game. They will be able to see the Linux-specific EAC file in the game’s folder.

Step 2: Players will then have to open Steam and go to the top left corner and tap on Steam, you can easily install Steam on Linux

Step 3: Then they will have to tap on Settings.

Step 4: After heading over to Steam Play, gamers will have to check the “Enable Steam Play for all other titles” box.

Step 5: Then they will have to choose “Proton Experimental” from the drop-down section.

Step 6: Linux users will finally have to tap on “OK”.

Final Words

We hope you enjoyed our article on how to play Apex Legends on Linux. Regarding performance, Linux games may have a brief lag at first, but as you continue to play the experience becomes much smoother. Now that it is compatible with Linux, players can be assured that it can run properly on Steam Deck as well, since the platform has a Linux-based operating system. If you liked our article, please share it with others.

I hope you understand this article, How to Play Apex Legends on Linux.

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