How to Repeat or Shuffle Songs on an iPhone or iPad

Welcome to our guide on how to repeat or shuffle songs on an iPhone or iPad! Whether you’re a new user or have been using Apple devices for a while, we’ll walk you through the steps to easily enable these features. Let’s dive in!

Enabling Repeat and Shuffle Modes

Apple occasionally makes changes to the Music app, including how to access certain features like repeat and shuffle modes. In iOS 13 and later versions, the process has been slightly modified. Here’s how you can enable these modes on your iPhone or iPad:

Option 1: From the Music List

  • Navigate to the “Playing Now” card. You can access it by swiping up from the bottom of the screen to open Control Center, then swiping left.
  • Select the name of the song you’re currently playing.
  • In iOS 10 and earlier, tap the cross arrows to toggle the shuffle setting. The arrows will appear darker when enabled. To repeat the current playlist, tap the repeat icon next to the shuffle icon. Tapping it again will make a number 1 appear, indicating that the current song will repeat. You can also drag the ball on the song timeline to skip forward or backward in the track. This feature is helpful when listening to audiobooks or long compilations.
  • In addition to the “Playing Now” card, you can also access the shuffle and repeat options at the top of any playlist or while viewing artists. These buttons allow you to shuffle playlists, artists, or albums.

Option 2: Using Siri

If you prefer using Siri, you can also ask Siri to shuffle songs for you. Simply press and hold the Home button to bring up Siri and say “Shuffle,” followed by the item you want to shuffle.

Additionally, there’s a setting called “Shake to Shuffle” that you might find interesting. When enabled, your music will shuffle if you shake your device while a song is playing. Some users accidentally discover this feature while walking or jogging. To access this setting, go to “Settings” > “Music” and change “Shake to Shuffle” to “On” or “Off” based on your preference.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How can I repeat a specific song on my iPhone?
    A: To repeat the current song, tap the repeat icon next to the shuffle icon in the “Playing Now” card. Tapping it again will make the song repeat indefinitely until you turn off repeat mode.
  • Q: Can I shuffle an entire playlist or just specific songs?
    A: Yes, you can shuffle an entire playlist, artist’s discography, or album. Simply tap the shuffle icon at the top of any playlist or while viewing artists to start shuffling.

More Interesting Info

Did you know that Apple constantly updates its Music app to provide a seamless listening experience? Keep an eye out for future software updates that might introduce even more exciting features related to repeat and shuffle modes.

Whether you enjoy listening to your favorite songs in a specific order or prefer the element of surprise, repeat and shuffle modes on your iPhone or iPad make it easy to customize your listening experience.

Now that you know how to repeat or shuffle songs, go ahead and create the perfect music playlist for any mood or occasion. Happy listening!


We hope this guide on how to repeat or shuffle songs on an iPhone or iPad has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Share this article with your friends and family if you found it useful. Let’s spread the word and enjoy music on our Apple devices!

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