How to restore deleted files from Windows and macOS

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Check How to restore deleted files from Windows and macOS

It does not matter whether you are a Windows or Mac user because data loss can happen on both operating systems. One wrong click can cost you an important document she’s been working on for the last month, her entire library of family photos, or maybe just a funny video he downloaded from the internet five years ago that he hates. lose. If any of these three scenarios sound familiar to you, don’t worry: you’re not the first person in the world to lose important data. When most people lose important data, they take their computer to their local data recovery location or just continue because they think that restoring deleted files and folders on Windows and Mac is not possible.

Is it possible to recover a deleted folder? The simplest answer to this question is YES. However, several factors come into play when it comes to data recovery, and you need to be aware of them to ensure that you recover all your folders and files. In this article, we will teach you how to restore deleted files from Windows and macOS.

How to restore deleted files from macOS

Get That Trash Back: Where to Find Deleted Files on Mac

Recovering files on Mac is very simple, as long as you haven’t permanently deleted the file. If you check your trash within 30 days of deletion, the file is usually still there. This is where to look.

  • On the macOS desktop, click Trash.
  • Browse through the files to find the one you are looking for.
  • Click on it to preview the contents of the file.

How do I restore deleted files?

If you want to restore your deleted files via Trash, the process is still simple. Here’s how to do it.

  • On the macOS desktop, click Trash.
  • Browse through the files in the Trash to find the one you want to restore.
  • Right-click the file and click Put Back.
  • If you want to restore multiple files, you can click each one while holding down the Shift key to select them all, then right-click and click Put Back.

How do I restore my Trash on a Mac?

If you want to restore your entire Trash or Trash on a Mac, you can do it in a much quicker way than right-clicking on each file. Here’s how to do it.

  • On the macOS desktop, click Trash.
  • Hit Cmd + A on your keyboard to select everything, then right-click the section and click Reposition.
  • All files are now restored to their respective locations before you deleted them.

How do I recover permanently deleted files?

Sometimes it’s possible to recover permanently deleted files, but you’ll need to use macOS Time Machine or file recovery software like Disk Drill. The easiest way to recover permanently deleted files is to use Time Machine. Here’s how to recover files.

  • Open the folder you deleted the file from.
  • Click on Time Machine in your menu bar.
  • Click Enter Time Machine.
  • Select the file you want to recover.
  • Click Restore.
  • The file is now back in its original location.

How to restore deleted files from Windows

How to recover deleted files from recycle bin

Basically, the Recycle Bin will keep most of the deleted files on Windows computers for a certain period. You can directly perform recycle bin recovery and recover deleted files in the following cases:

  • The files in the Recycle Bin are not emptied.
  • The files saved in the Recycle Bin are still in the recycling period (1 day, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days).
  • Deleted files were recycled, bypassing the Recycle Bin.

Steps to recover deleted files or folders from recycle bin:

  • Open the Recycle Bin by double-clicking its icon on the Desktop.
  • Locate and select the deleted files or folders that you need to restore.
  • Right click on the selected item and choose “Restore”.
  • Or you can go to the Manage tab on the top panel, then click “Restore Selected Items” to restore them.
  • Please wait patiently, the restored file will reappear in its original location with the same content, date and time, etc. You can view and use these files again.

Recover previous file versions

When you delete or move a file or folder, Windows keeps the previous version of the file and stores it in the Recycle Bin. These older versions appear in the File History window and you can use them to recover old files or even restore an entire drive to a previous state.

Understanding how to restore previous versions of files from the Recycle Bin can help you recover files if you accidentally deleted them. You can also use this method to repair a file that has been damaged or to view the contents of a file that is several days old.

  • To restore previous versions of files, open File Explorer and locate the original folder of the deleted files.
  • Right click on the folder and then select “Restore Previous Versions”.
  • In Windows 11, once you right-click on the folder, you will need to select “Show more options” in order to access the menu where “Restore previous versions” is available.

With command prompt

You can actually do some pretty cool things from Command Prompt, and recovering deleted files is one of them, even if you’ve permanently deleted them from your Recycle Bin on your Windows computer.

  • On your PC, click on the search bar at the bottom.
  • Type “Command Prompt” and click the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Once the Command Prompt window opens, type the following command and press Enter. Don’t forget to change the “drive letter” to your respective drive where you want to recover your deleted files.
  • Now type “Y” until the command lines open again.
  • Next, enter the following command. Replace “drive letter” with your respective drive.
  • The above commands will trigger an exhaustive search when looking for read-only files, multiple files, hidden files, and subfolders.
  • Once the commands have been executed, you can return to your drive where a new folder will have been created automatically. In this folder, you can find all your recovered files. However, all files will be in a new .chk format. You will need to set the file format and save them in the desired folder before opening them.
  • Alternatively, you can also use Command Prompt to open Recycle Bin and restore your deleted files.
  • Simply press Win + R keys and type the following command and then hit Enter:
    • startup shell: RecycleBinFolder
  • The Recycle Bin folder will open and you can follow the steps in Solution 1 to restore files.

Final words: How to restore deleted files from Windows and macOS

I hope you understand this article, How to restore deleted files from Windows and macOS. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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