How to Screencast on Windows 10 PC: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to record your screen on a Windows 10 PC? In this guide, we will walk you through the process of screencasting using two different methods. Whether you want to record software demonstrations or capture gameplay, we’ve got you covered.

Method 1: Using VClip

Windows 10 actually has a built-in screen recording feature. One of the simplest ways to utilize this feature is by using the freeware package called VClip. Here’s how:

  1. Start by downloading VClip from this page.
  2. Once downloaded, extract the ZIP file and open the extracted folder. Launch VClip by clicking on the application.
  3. Resize the VClip window to include the entire area you want to record by dragging the borders.
  4. Click the arrow next to the “Rec” button and choose your desired frames per second (FPS) for recording.
  5. Press the “Rec” button to start recording and click “Stop” when you’re finished.
  6. Select the file format (MP4, WEBM, OGG, AVI, or GIF) and save your recording.

Method 2: Using the Built-in Recorder

If you prefer to use the built-in screen recording tool called Game Bar, here’s how you can activate it:

  1. Press the Windows key and I simultaneously to access the settings.
  2. Select “Gaming” and enable the Game Bar recording function.
  3. To record, press the Windows logo and G keys simultaneously and click the “Record” button.
  4. Stop the recording by pressing the “Stop” button.
  5. To view your recording, click on the notification at the bottom right of your screen.

Benefits of Screencasting on Windows 10 PC

If you’re wondering why you should screencast on your Windows 10 PC, here are a few benefits:

  • The guide is free to read.
  • We provide step-by-step instructions for easy understanding.
  • You have the option to choose between different software packages for screencasting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this guide about?

This guide explains how to screencast on a Windows 10 PC, providing step-by-step instructions for two different methods.

How can this guide help me?

This guide is designed to help you easily and effectively record your screen on a Windows 10 PC, whether for software demonstrations or gameplay recording.


If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding screencasting on a Windows 10 PC, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us directly. We are here to help!

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