How to Start a Huddle On Slack

Slack is a way to talk to people. It’s not a tool for video conferencing, but you can record videos and send them to a channel or to a specific person. In contrast, many enterprise and productivity tools for the workplace, like Microsoft Teams, include both messaging and video conferencing tools. This means that Slack doesn’t have enough in that area, so How to Start a Huddle On Slack.

There are, however, some limits to huddles that depend on whether you’re using Slack on your computer or on your phone and whether you’re on a free plan or a paid plan. You may also not be able to use huddles because of how your Slack workspace is set up. But if players can huddle, the main differences are

Both mobile and desktop users can send invites, set preferences for the camera, microphone, and speakers, and use live captions, but at the moment, live captions are only available in English. Desktop huddlers can also change the background of their video or set up a huddle theme that everyone will see in the huddle window.

Starting a Huddle on Slack Desktop

  1. Open the Slack app on your desktop
  2. Select the channel or direct message to start the huddle
  3. Click on the circle next to the headphones in the lower-left corner. You can also use the shortcut command + shift + four
  4. Give permission to Slack to use your microphone, if prompted. The headphone icon will then turn blue, indicating that the meeting has started
  5. To invite people to the meeting, click on the person icon and select the individuals you’d like to invite
  6. To leave the conversation, click on the headset icon

Starting a Huddle on the Slack App

  1. Open the Slack app on your device
  2. Select the channel or direct message to start the huddle
  3. Click on the ringed icon on the top-right corner of the screen
  4. To invite people to the meeting, tap on the middle gray circle and select the person you want to invite. Press “Invite” once you’ve selected everyone you’d like to invite
  5. To leave the group, tap on the red circle

If you can download this app, than you can visit on Google Play Store

How do Slack Huddles work?

Up to 50 people can join a Slack Huddle. Once a huddle starts, anyone in the conversation can join it. If one starts in a DM, you will get an invite to join. When you join a huddle from your desktop, you can share your screen and turn on live captions in English. More languages are coming soon. Keep in mind that people from other organizations must be able to join or start Huddles in Slack Connect channels and direct messages.


What is the difference between a huddle and a meeting in Slack?

A typical conference call is scheduled for a specific time, with an agenda and a set list of attendees. Slack Huddles have no communicated agenda and are open to anyone within your Slack workspace.

Why can’t i huddle in Slack?

Huddles connection problems may also be caused by an issue with your firewall. If you’re experiencing connection errors, you (or someone from your company’s IT team) may need to adjust your outbound connection settings: Check that your network is set up to allow outbound traffic to UDP/22466.

Can my boss hear my Slack huddles?

Channels can be either private or public, and the level of their privacy is set by their admin. Usually, both private and public chats could be seen by anyone within the workspace. On the other hand, direct chats aren’t visible to our coworkers and managers. But they can read them.

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