How to test the security of an Android application

This tutorial is about How to test the security of an Android application. Recently I updated this tutorial and will try my best so that you understand this guide. I hope you guys like this blog, How to test the security of an Android application. If your answer is yes after reading the article, please share this article with your friends and family to support us.
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Check How to test the security of an Android application

Responsible mobile app development practices force you to think about the security of your app as you build it. But mobile app security testing is easier said than done. That’s why we’ve put together this article to help you do just that. According to a survey, more than 98% of mobile apps are not secure! This is due to a major flaw in application development practices, where security testing is brought to the end of the development cycle.

Or worse yet, they are abandoned altogether. In this article, you will learn about some amazing mobile app hacking statistics, the most common mobile app security risks, the basics of mobile app security testing, and the steps to perform edge mobile app security testing. to extreme. With a mention of automated tools.

How to test the security of an Android app

Android SDKs

This is by far the most important tool for the entire penetration testing exercise. Android SDK is a mobile device simulator where you install your apps and use the app the way you use it on your mobile device. SDK gives you almost all the functionalities that a mobile device will give you, except the availability of a SIM card, which can also be modified. We’ll talk about these settings in the last part of our series.

burping suite

Burp Suite is an intermediate proxy typically used to intercept traffic between your application and the endpoint server. In addition to interception, it has some useful tabs, such as:

  • Repeater, used to capture a request and parse it in case you don’t want the browser involved each time.
  • Intruder, used to automate custom application attack requests.
  • Scanner, which is more useful for some automated testing while manually testing the application logic.
  • Sequencer, used to analyze the randomness in random tokens generated by the application from the server side.
  • Decoder, used for a quick encoding/decoding task when it finds an encoded string in its evaluation.

Burp Suite is primarily required in the dynamic testing phase of our penetration testing exercise.


ADB (Android debug bridge) is a very useful command line tool that comes with the Android SDK. This allows you to communicate from your system to the Android device in terms of file transfers, app installation, working in the device shell, etc. This has mainly three components:

  • A client running on the main machine. As soon as any adb command passes, a client is invoked.
  • A server that runs as a background process on the main machine and manages the communication between the client and the ADB daemon.
  • A daemon that runs as a background process on the device.

ADB gives you great flexibility when interacting with the device. Some of the most used commands that can help you are:

  • adb shell – Starts a remote shell on the target emulator and you can work on the device as if you were physically using it.
  • adb install: Install the given APK file on the device. –s will cause it to install to /sdcard.
  • adb push – Copies a file from the machine to your device.
  • adbpull – Copies a file from the device to your machine.
  • adblogcat: print log data to screen

Final remarks: How to test the security of an Android application

I hope you understand this article, How to test the security of an Android application. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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